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A call for churches to lead community solidarity

In response to the violence and rioting across the country, the Bishop of Guildford, the Right Revd Andrew Watson, has written to all clergy in the diocese with a call to pray and to work towards bridge-building across our communities.  

The disorder in Aldershot, and threats elsewhere in the diocese, are being targeted at minority communities, with disinformation being amplified on social media and weaponised to incite acts of violence and civil disobedience. Meanwhile, churches have responded by holding prayer meetings, extending practical support to other faith communities, and assuring the local police of their support and prayers. Bishop Andrew encouraged clergy in less affected communities to stand alongside those in the current hotspots in prayer and mutual support.  

Alongside the unimaginable sadness of the deaths of the little girls in Southport last week, and the terrible reminder of the racism and prejudice to which some of our fellow citizens are subjected,  Bishop Andrew recognised signs of hope: “It’s been powerful to see communities coming together in the wake of such disorder, standing up for their neighbours, clearing up their streets, and supporting those most affected – not least in moving scenes from Southport itself after the tragedies of last week. Such expressions of communal solidarity are always hugely powerful, and it is good where our churches are leading the way.”

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