100+ Eco Churches in the diocese!
First published on: 20th March 2025In January, the seven buildings across the diocese were awarded the Silver Eco Church Award, taking our awards tally over the century mark. Well done to all our Eco Churches!
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In January, the seven buildings across the diocese were awarded the Silver Eco Church Award, taking our awards tally over the century mark. Well done to all our Eco Churches!
The Diocese's hearing clinics, which are run in partnership with Sight for Surrey and the NHS, have seen a rise in visitors and a number of new clinic established over the last year.
The Rt Revd Andrew Watson, Bishop of Guildford has called for individuals and local churches to donate to his charity’s Lent Appeal, to address the growing need across our communities.
To mark International Women’s Day (8 March), we celebrate the continuing rise of women called to ministry and other leadership roles within the church.
A Diocesan statement on the General Synod vote around the future direction of safeguarding in the Church of England.
Holy Trinity Primary School and Church in West End have each unveiled and displayed a piece of art designed by Year 5 pupils to celebrate their connection.
Watch a video on how St Paul's Addlestone offers a welcome to its diverse congregation, and has a wide range of nationalities represented at every level of church life.
An interview with The Revd Folli Olokose on how churches can welcome and celebrate diversity, and address issues of racial inequality.
Holy Trinity Church, Aldershot is a great example of a church where diversity is celebrated and embraced. As a result, it can claim to be a truly intercultural as well as intergenerational church.
This week (3rd-9th February) the Diocese of Guildford is marking Race Equality Week and Racial Justice Sunday by encouraging a renewed commitment to racial equality and growing diversity.