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Am I meant to be here?

Training for church leadership isn’t always a straightforward journey but it’s one that you will never walk alone. 

We’ve highlighted Sara Holland’s story before, sharing how God placed key women in her life and used characters from the Bible to inspire her to train for Lay Ministry. But there’s more to learn from Sara’s story. 

Sara shares how she’s not had an easy run into ministry training, how doubts and questions have nearly stopped her and how it’s so important to have a support network. 

“I trained as a Pastoral Assistant around 10 years ago. But I always felt God calling me for something more.”  

Sara describes how some people have a definite goal and know where they are headed. But, for her ministry, the training journey hasn’t been straightforward. 

“I kept asking in the first term of training, ‘Am I meant to be here?’ but the support from the Local Ministry Program team is ‘second to none’.” 

Training has, and continues to be, a huge learning curve for Sara, “I don’t consider myself academic, I didn't do A levels.” However, she found that other people in her training also didn’t have lots of academic skills, “being with other people on the journey, who also have no academic background means we are all helping and encouraging each other.”

Sara compares her life to a game of snakes and ladders. “Some days I wake up and keep going, some days I land on a ladder and others a snake. When I asked God where He is in these feelings, I realised He is the board.” 

“I really do feel God is in my life. No matter what I do He’s there, He’s constant. We all in our own lives have those moments, with lots of ups and downs, and problems to overcome. God has always been there. He brought me home, to the support and comfort that I needed at a very dark time in my life. Building back the faith I had lost and found again at St Peter’s, Hersham.”

Starting Lay Ministry training was out of Sara’s comfort zone, she describes feeling too old to study, “I felt like I’d missed the boat for training. I hadn’t done any academic stuff for 40+ years.” And says how she also felt like “a wild card at the Lay Ministry Training panel.” But that hasn’t stopped her. She always felt like there was something more for her. 

You might have a very clear idea of what God wants you to do with your life. Or you might not! 

Have a look at the information on our website to explore more about callings and vocations within the church.  

If, like Sara, you have concerns about your academic ability, or want to know more about the training process, you can use the Guildford Diocese website resources and guidance to help you explore what God has in plan for your future. 

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