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Are you ready to preach Luke?

Luke is the set gospel for the next church year, starting on 1 December with Advent. We’re helping those who preach or lead bible studies, both lay and clergy, prepare with a study day on Luke on 7 September.

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The Sunday Lectionary Cycle is 3-yearly and denoted by the letters A, B and C. Each year follows through one of the Gospels: A-Matthew, B-Mark, C-Luke. The Gospel of John is proclaimed on particular Sundays in each of the years. This coming year is C.

Professor Steve Walton, Senior Research Fellow in New Testament at Trinity College Bristol, will lead the day. Attendees can learn tools and approaches to help them understand Luke’s Gospel more fully and to preach it more informatively and accessibly to their congregation.
Starting the day with coffee at 9.15am followed by worship at 9.45am, sessions with breaks for coffee and lunch, all finishing at 4pm. The sessions include doing theology Luke-wise, looking at Luke as a theologian and storytelling, the cross in Luke 23 and working on the text.

Revd Peter Harwood, Director of Mission, said: “Whether you have read and preached from Luke many times, or you’re preparing for your first time leading a bible study, this day will set you on the right path. It will give you new ways of looking at Luke, refresh your perspective, and help you think about how you share your revelations with your congregation in a way that is inclusive and inviting. Join us.

This study day is part of our Local Ministry Programme. It has three different learning strands with lots of opportunities for you to take advantage of. The next event is our Theology Hub on 26 October with Jeremy Begbie, a theologian, ordained minister and musician.

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