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Building work begins for Diocesan office at Stag Hill

On 8 July 2024 Cortec of Farncombe broke ground to extend the former Diocesan Education Centre (DEC) on Stag Hill.

The extension is to increase office space for an improved office environment for the Guildford Diocesan Office. The DEC was built in 1993. Guildford Borough Council granted planning permission for the extension in November 2023 and the plans were approved by the Cathedral’s Fabrics Advisory Committee in April 2024.

The Right Revd Andrew Watson, Bishop of Guildford, said: “I'm delighted that we will shortly be moving our diocesan offices up to the Cathedral site, which will greatly benefit us all. Following Covid we've not needed the office space we once had, so the move will result in considerable financial savings in the long run; not to mention environmental savings as we move towards our Net Carbon Zero goal.”

Stuart Beake, Acting Dean of the Cathedral, said: “We are delighted that our friends and colleagues from the Diocesan Offices are moving back to join us on Stag Hill. We are very much looking forward to them being here and further strengthening our working together in serving our church and community.”

Tom Rose, Director of Cortec, said: “We are very pleased to be able to get this exciting project underway. We look forward to working with the design team and the staff at the Diocese of Guildford to bring this high-quality build to fruition and watch the build progress over the coming months.”

The construction is timetabled to be completed in December 2024, the interior fit out will begin shortly after.

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