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Creationtide: A season to celebrate and reflect on creation care

September marks the period of Creationtide in the church calendar. It’s a time to celebrate God’s creation and reflect on how we care for it.

Frimley Parish has celebrated Creationtide each year since 2019, as they began their journey to a Bronze Eco Church award.

“Initially, we used a Creationtide communion service and fundraised for our Harvest Festival Charity.” Shares Susan Ferro, Registrar at Frimley Parish. “Due to the COVID pandemic, we continued online the following year with the communion service and a pet service.”

2021 and 2022 carried on the pet theme as people were encouraged to post pet selfies on the church’s Facebook page.

Susan says, “In 2023 we arranged a Gruffalo Walk around the churchyard for children which was so popular that we did it again for Cherishing Churchyards Week for our Toddler Group this year.”

For the past two years, Frimley Parish has produced Creation-related video resources, including daily prayers, reflections, and challenges recorded by the congregation. These resources have helped people engage with Creationtide throughout the week via their website and social media channels, in addition to the activities at the two parish churches.

With the Creationtide services firmly embedded in their annual pattern of worship, Frimley opened their Season of Creation this year by launching Forest Church at St Francis.

“After two very successful Gruffalo Walks, one of the younger members of our Eco Church Group suggested we run a Pepper Pig Nature Walk. From 8 to 22 September, children will follow a picture trail as they collect leaves and twigs to create a collage of creations.” Says Susan.

Following their Harvest Service on 29 September, Frimley Parish will close the Creationtide season on the weekend of 5/6 October as they celebrate 60 years of St Francis Church. They will be running a Family Fun Day on the Saturday and a Parish Service of Celebration followed by afternoon tea on the Sunday.

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