Date: 19 December 2022
A digital Advent Calendar has been opening its doors this year.
The online mix of carols, readings, poetry and personal reflections have been organised by the Revd Susie Watson, curate at St Paul’s Church, Woking.
“The idea came from a communications workshop run for second year curates by the diocese,” says Susie. “It’s involved a lot of people participating in various ways. We’ve also used some material recorded in lockdown, which deserved a greater airing and including a ‘virtual’ choir to sing the carols,” she says.
Having pre-existing material available to build on was helpful for Susie as it gave her the confidence to make the 25-day project work.
The daily postings have been going up on St Paul’s Facebook page and YouTube. And like all big Hollywood productions, Susie did a trailer video to tell people what was coming.
“The church community is the primary audience,” says Susie. “That’s fine as it’s for their enjoyment and gives them a focus on the season of Advent and coming up to Christmas. But we hope it touches the lives of people who don’t usually come to church. It’s a bit of an advert for the church especially as we get closer to Christmas, showcasing community events which they might like to come to. It’s like opening the doors on our church.”
The feedback about the calendar has been very positive and others have been sharing the calendar on their social media channels.
“It’s been a lot of work, but it’s a lot of fun as well. The people who’ve contributed have enjoyed it. So why not give it a go in your church next year,” she says.