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Heart-rending Lent

The prophet Joel famously said that, “We should rend our heart not our garments.” 

Launching this year’s Lent Appeal, Bishop Andrew said that Joel was ministering at a time of “heart-rending” natural disaster. “There had been an extended period of drought, bushfires were burning out of control and a plague of locusts had swept through the land, resulting in widespread famine and misery.”

He drew parallels with the appealing scenes of devastation on our TVs of the back to back earthquakes suffered by the people of Syria and Turkey.

“Closer to home many are really struggling with the spiralling costs of food and fuel,” he said.

“But to describe such situations as heart-rending wouldn’t be to do Joel justice,” said Bishop Andrew. “Because as the prophet recognised not even the most terrible suffering in the world can render a cold or hard heart.

Bishop Andrew challenged us. “It is our responsibility, as people of God, to render our hearts. To make them responsive and soft, responsive to the prompting of God’s Holy Spirit. Because only then can desperate human need be met with warm, human compassion,” he said.

This year’s Bishop’s Lent Appeal will be divided between the work of Christian Aid and Tear Fund in Syria and Turkey. The other half will go to the Bishop of Guildford’s Community Fund to support the kind of projects which will feature in our Parish Briefs this Lent.  

All donations will be topped up by Gift Aid.


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