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How Alex Day was called

We are continuing the series of stories celebrating our soon-to-be Reverends as we head towards the ordination weekend on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June. Today's story comes from Alex Day.

How was Alex called?

I was raised as a Catholic in a mixed Christian household - my mother was a Catholic and my father an Anglican. I attended a Catholic secondary school, but I turned my back on organised religion at the age of 16 or 17 and returned to it again through an Alpha course at the age of 39.

I had originally agreed to attend the course to argue against organised religion. However, I came out the other side having signed up to help on the next Alpha course and have since gone on to help and lead several other courses.

The significant moment in my life which woke me up to my journey with God was towards the end of the first Alpha course I attended. I had an experience of God which confirmed to me that He was real and knew who I was. I had finally heard God and in a way which I couldn’t just dismiss as coincidence.

The message from God was loud and clear, I was to repent of my sin and reaffirm my original baptismal vows and then I would be open to receiving the Holy Spirit. After this awakening, my life flipped a full 180 degrees. I met Joanna, now my wife, and together we decided to follow God's call to ministry. 

I can confidently name two people who have been a huge influence in my life on the route to ordination: the incumbent of the sending church at St Mary’s in Ross-on-Wye and his curate (now vicar of Bartestree Cross Group of Churches.) Sean and Tiffany were so inspirational in their roles that it made me believe that my calling, which I had spent most of my life running away from, was actually real and that I was able to answer it. 

I am really pleased to be able to serve in the Diocese of Guildford, where I grew up, and I am looking forward to giving something back to the communities I’ll serve. 

It just proves that, at the age of 50, it is never too late to answer the call from God within you. No matter where you are in your life, answering the call from God will change it in an amazing way.

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

Acts 2:38

Find out more on our ordinations page.

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