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How James Luckey was called

We are continuing the series of stories celebrating our soon-to-be Reverends as we head towards the ordination weekend on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June. Today's story comes from James Luckey.

How was James called?

‘For everything, there is a season…’ I’ve always been aware of God but for most of my life that was from a distance. I may have prayed at important times, but rarely attended church and never felt the urge to discover more.

Things began to change in my 30s, when I went to my local church in Old Woking, albeit irregularly at first. Coming to faith was a drip-drip journey that took nearly 40 years.

Likewise, with vocation, there was no Damascene moment. My sense of calling evolved slowly through engaging with roles such as lesson reader, intercessor and even preacher. At first, I was sure that, although God was calling me to something, it was definitely not ordained ministry.

Time spent with a vocations advisor helped me give voice to that call. Learning via the Local Ministry Programme and Occasional Preachers’ courses both opened my eyes to Scripture and honed vocation. At this point, my then vicar felt I should take things further and speak to the Diocesan Director of Ordinands; however, I was not ready.

Further discernment and discussions with clergy – including becoming a lay chalice assistant – helped me, and reflection on the latter, seeing the golden thread of Holy Communion through my faith journey, brought me to the point that I believed God’s call was indeed to an ordained ministry of Word and Sacrament.

Yet I always felt my professional life still had a role to play. As a journalist, communication is a central tool and I’m blessed with spiritual gifts to this end: using those within both church and workplace, with life experiences in the latter very much helping ministry in the former and – crucially – vice versa. Communication is my passion, both at work and in the church. As a Self-Supporting Minister (SSM), I am excited to have a ‘foot in both camps’.

God calls whom God wants. And if God can call someone like me – for whom faith was a slow burner – then maybe, just maybe, there’s a call out there waiting for you too.

‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening…’

Jeremiah 29 sustained me after a tough time in training. I prayed fervently as I had felt low, inadequate and disengaged. Not half an hour later, with concentration set firmly on something entirely different, this verse just dropped in my head from absolutely nowhere. It rather blew my mind.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Find out more on our ordinations page.

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