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How Louisa Mason was called

We are continuing the series of stories celebrating our soon-to-be Reverends as we head towards the ordination weekend on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June. Today's story comes from Louisa Mason.

How was Louisa called?

During a very turbulent upbringing, I came to faith when I was 15 through conversations with someone at school and listening to some Christian music he gave me one weekend.

Whilst listening to the music, God’s presence tangibly turned up in my bedroom and I knelt where I was to say “sorry” and “help” as I had no clue what this Christian thing was really about! The next day, I went into school and my friend asked me to church, not knowing anything about the experience I’d had! Since then, the rest has been a journey of discovery through various flavours of church and spirituality until I finally found my home in the Church of England.

I can honestly say that my faith journey is because of God’s hand on me. At times, I have protested like a toddler, stropped like a teenager, and tried to think I’m in control, like most adults do. Clearly, God has held onto me despite every obstacle and revealed more of himself over the years when he knows I’m ready.

I would never have thought I was called to ministry. I had so many doubts about the church and ministry in general; and yet, through all of it, God’s hand would not let go. My friends quote me as saying “There’s no way I want to be ordained!” But God is persistent.

I became a Lay Minister at first, which helped me get involved in church life and test my vocation. It was during the pandemic that I really had a sense of holy unease. After prayer walking on Blackdown, I received a clear instruction that God wanted me to be ordained. I finally submitted. I said, “OK, God, I’ll open the door, but you have to do the rest.”

Training at Sarum College has been formational. I have learnt, grown and flourished with brilliant tutors and fellow students who make up a diverse group.

My advice to anyone considering lay or ordained ministry is to give it a go. There are great taster courses out there and ways to get involved in church life before you commit. It’s really not as scary as you think. We are all works in progress and, if you read the Bible, God uses people with all sorts of backgrounds and lived experiences. Just open the door and God will do the rest.

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-29

Find out more on our ordinations page.

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