The Diocese of Guildford recognises the widespread practice of modern-day slavery. There are still an estimated 40+ million men, women and children trapped in modern slavery today, with over 100,000 of whom are estimated to be in the UK.
Modern-day slavery is hidden in plain sight. It covers a wide range of abuse and exploitation including sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced labour, criminal exploitation and organ harvesting. Everyone needs to realise that it is happening around us. All forms of modern-day slavery are taking place in Surrey, with the exception of forced organ donation. Everyone needs to learn how to recognise the signs and report it.
To support the Diocese’s response to this need, we are pleased to announce that Allison Sutcliffe has taken on the voluntary role of Modern Slavery Adviser. Her role includes raising awareness of the issue within the Diocese, attending the Surrey Anti-Slavery Partnership to present a Christian perspective and to link with the Clewer Initiative (the national work of the Church of England to combat modern slavery).
An initial priority for Allison will be establishing a network of volunteer anti-slavery ambassadors across the deaneries. This will be a team trained to spot the signs of modern-day slavery, these ambassadors will work with other agencies to build together resilient communities where modern-day slavery is noticed and cannot thrive.
Allison is excited to be working across the Diocese to raise awareness and create a network to tackle this injustice. The role builds on her previous experience of awareness raising to various community groups.