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School Hub Leaders complete first academic year

Just over a week ago our two Youth Catalyst School Hub Leaders in Guildford and Dorking wrapped up their first two terms in post and the academic year.

The Youth Catalyst Project was launched in the Diocese of Guildford last year as part of the Church of England’s initiative to support young people who want to explore faith and gather to worship in a safe space.

The two Hub Leaders, Andy and Oli, started in January 2024, partnering with The Priory, Dorking and Christ’s College, Guildford, respectively.

Over the last seven months, they have invested time into creating missional pathways for young people by building relationships between the schools and local churches, running events, being part of school assemblies and being present in and around schools to support the young people with their pastoral needs.

Two highlights for Oli and Andy came towards the end of the school year.

In June, Oli led a mission week that involved transforming Christ’s College chapel into an Olympic-themed Prayer Space to help visitors reflect on the Olympic values.

Oli says, “During the week we had 15 Religious Education classes, two lunch clubs, our two Christian Unions and staff on their inset day participating in the space. Altogether, over 300+ students and staff engaged with the Prayer Space. Many students even requested that we extend the Prayer Space for an additional week as they loved the space so much.”

Two school girls sat in a classroom looking at an atlas A table with a prayer tree on with the Olympic flag hanging from it A group of school boys stood around an exercise bike with one sat on ​​​​​​

Similarly, in July Andy ran a mission week at The Priory. The OMG Week saw hundreds of young people and staff take part in seminars, games, open mic events and worship gatherings.  One of the events, ‘Grill a vicar’, saw 90+ students asking the local clergy, which included Revds Peter Nevins and Rachel Hamilton from the local Anglican churches and Revd Rob Stevens from the Baptist church, 18 live questions about the Christian faith.

“Teachers have said that it created a great buzz and atmosphere around school.” Says Andy. “They also loved having past students involved in the week helping out with the events. It’s been a really great way to round-off this school year”

The Youth Catalyst Project team continues to grow and develop. In September they will welcome two more Hub Leaders to begin at Esher High and Jubilee High in Addlestone, and a dedicated Youth Worship & Mission Team.

If you or someone you know is interested in joining the Youth Catalyst Project initiative, there are Trainee Youth Leader positions open for application.

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