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The King is going green, how about you?

The King has been campaigning on climate issues for decades, well before it became the massive global movement it is today. A recent BBC article listed some of the items on the Crown Estate that are part of the royal effort to go greener. But are these relevant to us?

On the list are:

  • Solar panels are going to be installed at Windsor Castle.
  • Gas lanterns at Buckingham Palace are going to have electrical fittings to move away from fossil fuels.
  • Converting the King’s two state Bentleys to run on biofuel.
  • Switching to a fleet of electric vehicles in the long term.

These are interesting initiatives, but overall emissions have increased from the previous year, largely caused by increased business travel.

Solar panels are a great way to create energy, but for churches it's more important to decarbonise heating. And converting our cars to run on biofuel isn’t sustainable at scale and is beyond many of us. So how can churches go greener and actually reduce emissions?

These are the top things to take a big step towards your environmental objectives:

  • Become an Eco Church.
  • Complete your Energy Footprint Tool (deadline is today).
  • Make a plan to transition to lower carbon emissions by getting an energy audit.

Read more and join the Net Zero Carbon journey by visiting our environmental web pages for more information.

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