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Annual Parochial Church Meetings

Every parish must hold (no later than 31 May in each year) an annual parochial church meeting, often referred to simply as the 'APCM'.

This annual meeting, which is open to all, reports on changes to the electoral roll, parish activities and financial matters. Every three years, it is also the occasion when new members to the PCC and to Deanery Synods are elected.

The relevant section of the Church Representation rules should be studied carefully in advance of these meetings to ensure they meet legal requirements.

The regulations surrounding eligibility to serve as a Churchwarden, PCC Member or Deanery Synod member were updated following changes to the Church Representation Rules and the Churchwardens Measure (as a result of the Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016). 

Nomination forms

Copies of current nomination forms for elections are available on the Parish Resources website.

The nomination forms contain a declaration that the nominee is not disqualified from serving as a trustee. This should be completed by all PCC members, including those who are ex-officio or serving following Synodical election. 

Electoral Roll 

The Parish Resources website includes information on the compilation of the Electoral Roll and the forms needed for preparing a new electoral roll and for revising an existing electoral roll.

Guidance on the Electoral Roll and GDPR

Electoral Rolls need to be revised annually. With the new changes to the Church Representation Rules, names no longer need to be removed from the roll during the course of the year; they only need to be added. Names are still removed, as appropriate, at the annual revision.

After the completion of a revision of the roll of a parish, the PCC must publish the roll (electronically or otherwise) as it decides for 14 days, and make a copy of the roll available for inspection.

Rolls may be published electronically instead of in paper form. The roll as published must include every name entered on the roll but not other personal data (e.g. addresses).

Once in every six years the preparation of new church Electoral Rolls takes place, which means that everyone must come off the roll and re-apply. The next occasion for the preparation of new rolls is in 2025.

Further guidance on the Electoral Roll and GDPR
Electoral Roll Privacy Notice
Church Representation Rules

APCM Timetable

Not less than two months before the APCM
On the two Sundays within the 14 day period
15-28 days before the Annual Meeting, complete the preparation of the revised roll
At least two Sundays before the meetings
At least seven days before the Annual Meeting
Before the Annual Meeting
Annual Meetings must be held before 31 May
After the Annual Meeting
Within 28 days of the Annual Meeting
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