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Bishop of Guildford's Communities Fund

A symbol made up of blue and orange dots and curved lines creating a circular shape to the left of the words Bishop of Guildford's Communities Fund

The Bishop of Guildford’s Communities Fund (BGCF) exists to reach out to disadvantaged and vulnerable people across the Diocese of Guildford in the name of Christ.

Grants are offered to projects initiated by Church of England churches (and those in active partnership with them) to assist in fulfilling any aspect of the Diocesan vision, Transforming Church, Transforming Lives.

The BGCF gives grants to a range of community projects including those which:

  • Support people with disabilities and mental ill-health
  • Provide facilities and services for older citizens, children and young people
  • Support families and disadvantaged communities
  • Provide practical help for the financially challenged
  • Offer training and skills programmes

The Bishop's Camino 2024 - white text on a blue background

Sponsored walk in aid of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our diocese - 12 October 2024

Following our two successful sponsored walks over recent years, Bishops Andrew and Paul are inviting you to join them once again, but this time on a sponsored Bishops Camino along the Hogs Back to the Watts Chapel in Puttenham and back via the Wey towpath. The  circular route is 7.5 miles (12km) and there will be three prayer stops along the way.

The previous walks have raised over £6,000 for the Bishop of Guildford's Communities Fund, which provides funds for parish projects that help the disadvantaged and vulnerable across the Diocese of Guildford. Bishop Andrew would love your help once again so that the Fund can continue to support deserving community projects.

The Camino is open to individuals and parish groups. Youth groups are especially welcome.

We will gather for the walk at 9am at St Nicolas' Church, Bury Street, Guildford GU2 4AW for refreshments and a prayer of blessing for the walk. We will then climb The Mount to pause at the grave of the Revd Charles Dodgson, otherwise known as Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland, then along the Hogs Back and North Downs Way to the Watts Chapel and back to St Mary's Church, Quarry Street via the Wey towpath, with a stop at the ruins of the chapel on St Catherine’s Hill.  We hope to finish about about 2.30pm.

Sign up for the walk

For more information email camino@bgcf.org.uk.

To donate to the appeal please click on the button below.

Year-round fundraising

You can help to fundraise for the BGCF at any time of year. Here are some practical ideas and resources to help.

Publicise the Fund in your parish

Look for an opportunity to publicise the Fund's work and invite support. Most people in the diocese don't know what the Fund does, and the best way to get the message across is face-to-face. You could ask for a slot of time in a PCC meeting, or speak to local house groups. Or you could prepare an article for the parish magazine. We can supply posters and leaflets in printed form (email info@bcgf.org.uk) or as PDFs. If your church uses an AV system, you can download PowerPoint slides too.

Organise a fundraising event

Could you organise an event for us? This could be a sponsored event, such as a walk round the parish boundaries or a coffee morning. Contact us if you need more information or any leaflets or posters.

Propose ways that your parish could support the Fund
Support the Bishop's Lent Appeal

The Bishop's annual Lent Appeal has also supported the Fund since it began. Lent is a time for thinking about those who are less fortunate than ourselves. It is a time for self-sacrifice, and for extra generosity. Could you make a personal donation, or ask your parish to make it the Appeal the focus of their Lent giving?

Get involved as a volunteer
Leave us a legacy in your will

Remember us in your will, and ensure your generosity will have an impact on the lives of others. Contact us for more details.

Give generously

Or simply make a donation to the Bishop of Guildford's Communities Fund. Your contribution will go towards projects helping those in need and making communities stronger, in Surrey and North East Hampshire. Please see the Donate to the Fund page on this site, where you will find a standing order form and a Gift Aid declaration form.

Supporting mission in the Diocese of Guildford

The special link the Bishop of Guildford's Communities Fund has with diocesan mission is expressed in the collection taken at each Confirmation or Licensing Service, which is given to the Fund's work.

Half the monies raised by the Bishop's Lent Challenge each year are also given to BGCF. In addition, local fundraising activities and events bring in extra funds and many individuals support the Fund generously.

Charity details

The Bishop of Guildford’s Communities Fund is the working name of the Bishop of Guildford’s Foundation which is a charitable incorporated organisation (registered charity no 1017385) . Registered address: Willow Grange, Woking Road, Guildford, Surrey GU4 7QS. Its trustees are:


Andrew Watson, The Rt Revd The Lord Bishop of Guildford (Chair)

Bishop Andrew is the Chair of the BGCF, having previously been a trustee of charities in the fields of housing, domestic violence, church growth and overseas development. He writes “I am very aware of real deprivation across the diocese in these challenging times and know that Parishes are well placed to help. I am delighted that The Bishop of Guildford’s Communities Fund exists to give parishes a helping hand, both with start-up grants and ongoing support for work in their localities and I would strongly encourage them to approach us if they have a suitable project”.

Andrew Carvell (Treasurer)

Andrew's business career has been in financial services, the public sector and in IT services. He is a chartered accountant. For Andrew, "The BGCF is one expression of our Diocesan vision to transform church and transform lives. We help churches and their partners start projects that reach out to have a real impact on their local communities. Let us know how we can support you."

Louise Kenyon (Secretary)

Louise was appointed Secretary to the BGCF in 2020 and is likely to be your first point of contact if you are considering applying to the Fund. With a background in operations and project management she has wide experience in delivering change in the community, particularly at parish level. Louise says “Do get in touch via the website to discuss your project, I love to hear about innovative ways our church families are able to serve our communities”.

The Revd Claire Isherwood

Claire serves in the Diocese of Guildford as Assistant Archdeacon, previously she was the Associate Minister of St Paul’s, Camberley, and was appointed trustee in 2020. Claire says “It has been a real pleasure to be part of something that helps enable local churches in the diocese to engage with their communities in such inspiring ways. I am particularly encouraged by the prayerful approach to decision making that trustees adopt when considering applications for grants. I also love hearing back from projects about the difference our grant has made to their work in the communities where they are rooted”.

Richard Peters

Richard spent his professional life working in the communications industry and latterly was part of the Comms Team at the Diocese of Guildford. In retirement he now applies his skills to help a number of charities and not-for-profit organisations. He has been a trustee since 2017 and is also a churchwarden. Richard says “Working for BGCF, it has been a re eye-opener to discover the pockets of poverty and deprivation which exist in our apparently prosperous diocese. It is a real privilege to be able to highlight the work of the Fund and the initiatives of our parishes to help those in need.”

Ebert Spreeth

Ebert joined the BGCF in 2022 following a career in delivering business transformation programmes around the world, as programme director for a charity supporting young people, and as programme manager at the Diocese of Guildford until end 2021. This role included church planting and parish-based health and viability projects. Ebert says “I enjoy being part of this team and the decision-making process. I am excited by the potential to build on the many success stories and make an even bigger impact on people’s lives in our local communities.”

Annual Report

Download latest Annual Report for the BGCF.


To contact us please email: info@bgcf.org.uk or write us at Willow Grange, Woking Road, Guildford, Surrey GU4 7QS.
Please be aware that as a small charity we employ no staff and rely on volunteers who will respond as soon as they can.

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