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Bishop Paul: Ordained, consecrated and now installed


It’s official, the Right Reverend Paul Davies has now been ordained, consecrated and finally installed as the Bishop of Dorking.

Yesterday, a Welcome Service at Guildford Cathedral saw Bishop Paul take part in the formal ceremonies and make the final required declarations and oaths to mark him as a Bishop within the Diocese of Guildford.

Amongst the formal ceremonies was The Installation where Bishop Paul received his cope (a formal cloak), mitre (a bishop's ‘hat’) and a welcome into the College of Canons at Guildford Cathedral.

The service had some lovely personal touches that gave insight into the hymns and people who have inspired and supported Bishop Paul throughout his life and in recent years.

You don’t have to spend much time with Bishop Paul to see that connecting with people is important to him. The service was full of people who were special to Paul, and you got a sense that this was only scratching the surface.

Among them were his family. His daughter, Llinos, read a lesson and sang a solo in one of the hymns, and his wife, Louise, was one of the intercessors. Paul’s son, Gwilym, also read a lesson at the consecration at Westminster Abbey nine days earlier.

Bishop Paul gave his first sermon at the cathedral as the new Bishop of Dorking, sharing about his beginnings as a Christian and being baptised 50 years ago this year leading to his time now and the mantles he is taking on – championing young people, vocations and the environment.

You can read Bishop Paul’s sermon notes here.

Continuing the theme of connecting with people, part of the service included the Bishop of Dorking being greeted by representatives from a variety of groups that he will partner with in his role. These included civic partners, interfaith partners and groups that work within the diocesan structures.

Bishop Paul said, “One of the greatest blessings of this second calling to the Diocese of Guildford is being able to build on the many friendships and partnerships that I’ve made during the last six years. I passionately believe that we are called to be not just the Church of England but the Church for England. This means being the salt and light which Jesus spoke of at the heart of community life. In my new role, I’m excited about building friendships and partnerships both within and outside the diocese, and making new ones too.”

If you’re quick you can watch the service via Guildford Cathedral’s YouTube channel which will be available for 48 hours after the service.

Please join us in praying for Bishop Paul as he begins his ministry as Bishop of Dorking.



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