The nominations for elections to the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) have now closed. There were 15 valid nominations for the nine spaces available.
Members are to be elected in the following categories:
- at least one member who is an elected member of Bishop’s Council;
- at least two school leaders from schools or academy trusts within the Diocese and who may be lay members or Clerks in Holy Orders;
- at least two additional lay members, and
- at least two Clerks in Holy Orders, beneficed or licensed in the Diocese.
The DBE will take up office on 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2028. Ballot papers will be avilable from Tuesday 4th March for those eligible to vote.
Skills, Expertise and Experience required
Diocesan Synod is seeking to elect board members with experience and expertise (or part combination of) from the following:
Strategic leadership and/or Trusteeship in the commercial or charitable sector
School effectiveness; skilled teachers, headteachers, OFSTED or SIAMS inspectors, school governors, clergy with recent school or teaching experience
Mission and the contribution of education to parish/church development
Finance and risk management expertise, business acumen skills, politically aware, creative thinkers
Human Resources (HR) knowledge or legal expertise
Buildings knowledge, project management, capital
Corporate communications, marketing, P.R. and media management
Committed Christians with a passion for education, a love of children and desire to support the disadvantaged
The Diocesan Board of Education and the Education Team
The Church of England has been providing education in this country for over 200 years. As the single largest provider of schools in the country, the Church is an important stakeholder in the nation’s education system.
Every diocese has a Diocesan Board of Education which is a statutory body with functions and powers set out in the Diocesan Boards of Education Measure 2021.
The functions of DBEs are stated in the Diocesan Boards of Education Measure 2021 and are to:
- promote education in the diocese, being education which is consistent with the faith and practice of the Church of England;
- promote religious education and worship in schools in the diocese;
- promote Church schools in the diocese;
- advise governors and trustees on any matters affecting Church schools;
- promote cooperation between the Board and other groups and agencies concerned with education in the diocese;
The Diocesan Board of Education (DBE)
The DBE will meet six times a year, once every six weeks (each school half-term) currently from 4-6pm venue tbc.
In addition to Board meetings, members are encouraged to serve on at least one of the following subcommittees or groups:
- Guildford Diocesan Education Trust (GDET) This separate umbrella trust is responsible for appointing Members to Multi-Academy Trusts (MATS) in the Diocese and reviewing the performance of these MATs. It meets once a half-term and reports directly to the Diocesan Board of Education
- Buildings & Estates Committee. This meets at least once a half-term to make key decisions related to school buildings and estate issues
- Christian Distinctiveness Committee. Supporting our Diocesan School Church Partnership Advisor Jane Whittington with matters concerning RE, Worship, SIAMS, links with parishes and related matters
Election Notice and nomination papers are circulated to nominators | 27 January 2025 |
Nominations close | 24 February 2025 at 12 noon |
Nominations Review | 24 February - 3 March 2025 |
Voting Papers issued | 4 March 2025 |
Voting Closes | 24 March 2024 at 12 noon |
New DBE Term of Office starts | 1 April 2025 |
Further information at