We offer training on all aspects of the SIAMS Framework and how to prepare for a SIAMS Inspection for:
- Senior Leaders
- RE Subject Leaders
- Governors
This training may be delivered as face-to-face training in school, online training, or e-learning. The method of delivery depends on the audience and subject matter. SIAMS support can be purchased as an add-on bundle to a school’s Service Level Agreement.
SIAMS inspections are generally carried out at five yearly intervals, although following the suspension of inspections during the pandemic, this period has been extended and may be up to eight years.
In between inspections, a member of our team invite every school to take part in a SIAMS Support Review as part of on-going improvement. The purpose of the review is to provide time for schools to reflect on progress since the previous SIAMS inspection, and offer bespoke training within the inspection cycle. The process of reviews involves:
• reflection on the school’s self-evaluation and information available on the school website.
• a visit to the school by a member of the team to discuss aspects with school leaders and governors.
• collaborative identification of next steps.