The DBE are committed to supporting all our Church schools with continuing to serve their local communities for the future and maintaining our Church school buildings is a critical part of that vision.
The Governing Bodies of our Church schools are responsible for ensuring that the school buildings and site are fit for purpose, legally compliant and offer the best possible learning environment.
Governing Bodies of Voluntary-Aided (VA) Church schools are legally responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the school buildings and are required to contribute 10% contribution to any capital costs involved in maintaining their school estate.
Property Services to Schools Agreement (PSSA)
The DBE offer a Property Services to Schools Agreement (PSSA) to support our Voluntary Aided (VA) governing bodies with maintaining their school buildings and estate.
The majority of our Voluntary Aided (VA) schools in the diocese subscribe to our PSSA agreement and we are grateful that you continue to work with us through this partnership.
The Buildings Team seek to offer governors and school leaders a high-quality service which represents value for money when we know that school budgets remain challenging.
The PSSA agreement sets out the detail of our commitment and services we offer which include the core services and support offered as part of the agreement.
The purpose of the PSSA agreement is to ensure that governors and leaders are given the good quality, professional advice in relation to buildings matters and property related issues that your school buildings remain a safe environment which promotes teaching and learning and supports the Christian ethos of your school.
Download a copy of the PSSA Agreement
Buildings and estates property services provided by Guildford Diocesan Services Limited for Voluntary Aided schools.
Updates on buildings and estates
We are committed to keeping you updated on any significant news about our school buildings and estates. Click on the relevant links below to find out the latest news: