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Lay associate ministers (LAMs)

What is a Lay Associate Minister?

Lay Associate Ministers (LAMs) are lay people active in Church life, who have been identified by their parish as having a particular gifting, vocation or calling to a form of lay leadership.

They are called to work collaboratively alongside their incumbent and wider ministry teams with a distinct focus on growing, nurturing and serving both the Church and the wider parish community. 

Once trained, LAMs work with their supporting minister to create a tailored role description. The role description is reviewed annually as part of the annual ministry review. LAMs should also be given ongoing supervision.

Training for LAMs

All lay leaders will embark on the Lay leader training pathway, including LAMs, and a part of that pathway will be a Foundations in Ministry (FiM) course. Find out more about FiM in the FiM Handbook.



To register your interest in participating in FiM next September, complete this form and return to the FiM Administrator, Rachel Bader.

If you’re still exploring your vocation in lay leadership, this page may be helpful.

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