Youth Catalyst - Guildford
Welcome to our hub in Guildford.
Oli Deeks, who joined the team in January 2024, is our Guildford Hub Leader and works in Christ's College, Guildford.
Please be in touch if you have any questions or would like to meet Oli for a coffee.
We organise half termly prayer meetings. We'd love for to join us at our next one (see events below).
Guildford Hub Events
ONE - Worship Gatherings at Christ's College
Welcome to our half termly worship gatherings ONE hosted by the Youth Catalyst Project and Guildford youth leaders.
Our heart is to provide a space where young people can encounter Jesus through unity, worship and prayer.
Our events are open to anyone in school years 7 - 13.
🍕 It's a free event which also includes pizza and refreshments.
📍 We will be meeting at Christ's College (Larch Avenue, Bellfields, Guildford GU1 1JY).
🚪 Doors open at 5.30pm and we finish at 8pm.
To help streamline our check in, please can you sign up your young person to each ONE event. Links below for each event.
Here are more details of what the event will look like:
- Young people dropped off at 5.30pm and registered in. Please sign-up to the individual dates, which can be found above. This helps to know how much pizza to buy 😁
- The first hour will be a mix of social time (games consoles, sports, craft and other activities) with pizza and refreshments.
- We will then move into the school theatre for our service which will include an icebreaker game, worship, an interview with a christian young person, an inspiring talk, prayer and response time
- Young people leave at 8pm
2025 Dates for our Worship Gatherings
- Sunday 9th Feb, 5.30 - 8pm - SIGN UP TO THIS DATE
- Sunday 11th May, 5.30 - 8pm - SIGN UP TO THIS DATE
- Sunday 13th July, 5.30 - 8pm - SIGN UP TO THIS DATE
We need you to complete our sign up forms for each event date.
If you have any questions or issues please contact Oli Deeks our Guildford Hub Leader.
Work Mobile: 07833 430140
If you're a youth leader and wanting to bring your group, we need you and your team (over 18's) to complete our online form. Ideally, we ask for youth groups to cover their ratios (1 leader: 10 youth). We will have enough spare DBS leaders to help cover additional young people.
We ask for all adults to have a DBS with their Church or youth organisation and to comply with our code of behaviour (see form).
Any issues please contact Oli Deeks.
Schools Ministry at Christ's College, Guildford
Here is a snapshot of the work Oli and his team organise at Christ's College.
Year 7 Friendship Club – lunchtime (1.20 – 1.55pm) at Larch 6.13
Dig Deep Christian Union – lunchtime – at room 219
Badminton: Play and Pray Club – afterschool (3.15 – 4.15pm) - Sports Hall
Chapel lunch club Key Stage 3 (years 8 & 9) - lunchtime - Chapel
Youth Alpha Course - afterschool - chapel
Youth Cafe - afterschool - at St Peter's Church.
Chapel lunch club Key Stage 4 (year 10 & 11) - lunchtime - Chapel
- School retreat days
- Mentoring programme
- Youth Alpha
- RE lessons and Assemblies
- Tutor Time Collective Worship - You can watch one of Oli's video's here.
Please do contact Oli if you'd like to find out more or even join his team.