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Parish Needs Process

The Parish Needs Process (PNP) focuses on a listening process, where we are seeking to listen to God through all aspects of a parish - the church, the schools and the wider community. What this looks like will vary from parish to parish. Each parish will be accompanied through the process by one of the diocese's Mission Enablers.

The goal of the PNP is to support parishes to identify their top priorities for mission and growth for the next two years. This will form the heart of a Church Development Plan. The Mission Enabler Team, with its range of specialisms, will then work with each parish, supporting them to implement their plans.

Watch the video to learn more about what to expect:

The PNP was phased in between 2021 and 2023. Now in its second cycle, it is shaping how the team at Church House Guildford proactively support ministry and mission in the local churches in the diocese. The PNP underpins our Transforming Church Transforming Lives vision and strategy by providing the tools to support our parishes in growing disciples, growing community and growing diversity

The PNP is overseen by two teams: 

  1. the Mission Enabler Team, who meet with parishes, listening and helping them identify their priorities, form effective Church Development Plans and working with them on a consultancy basis as they implement them
  2. and the Parish Co-ordination Team, who co-ordinate and support the process

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us – the best place to start is with the Parish Co-ordination team, and you can email them directly via parishcoordination@cofeguildford.org.uk

Listen to leaders in some parishes who have already been through the process:


How much work is the Parish Needs Process going to be for me?

The parish needs process is not designed to take up a lot of parish time. The amount of time each process takes will depend on where the parish is in the planning cycle and how confident they are in forming a strategic church development plan. Some parishes will already have and will be implementing a Church Development or Mission Action Plan. They may not need to give much time to the process. Other parishes will be right at the beginning of the process and may want to take more time. Every parish is encouraged to engage with the process so that learning and experience can be shared across the deanery and diocese.

The meetings offered through the Parish Needs Process are:

• A Deanery Strategy Day – an opportunity to bring a group of people from the parish together to consider priorities for a new Church Development Plan, or if one is already in place any changes that might need to be made to the plan (especially if a plan has been in place for over a year). 

• An initial meeting with a Mission Enabler – an opportunity for an incumbent to talk through their vision and priorities for the next few years. This is a key part of the PNP.

• A follow-up meeting with a Mission Enabler – an opportunity for an incumbent and their wardens / leadership team or PCC to meet with a Mission Enabler to get into more of the detail of the plan. If there is a specific ministry area that the parish wishes to discuss we can arrange a specific Mission Enabler to attend.

• An Archdeacon’s Visitation – the archdeacon will spend most of the visitation discussing the Church Development Plan with the parish but will also briefly view those things which an archdeacon is tasked by law to inspect. They include: (i) Safeguarding Policy; (ii) Insurance Policies; (iii) Health and Safety Policy; (iv) Electric Certificate; (v) Gas Certificate; (vi) Log Book and Inventory; (vii) Service Register; (viii) Baptism Register; (ix) Marriage Register.

• The Deanery Action Meeting – this is an exciting opportunity for the clergy and lay leadership of parishes to come together at an open Deanery Synod Meeting to share their plans for the future and hear of synergies emerging across the deanery.

How will I know when the Parish Needs Process is coming to my parish?

Each deanery begins the process at a different time. The Mission Enabler team facilitates the PNP work to support every parish through the process on a deanery by deanery basis over a 2 year period. The first cycle of the PNP was completed in early 2024, the second cycle began in January 2024 and the third cycle is due to begin in early 2026.

What’s the outcome of the Parish Needs Process?

The outcome will take the form of a Church Development Plan, but what this plan looks like will be different for every parish. The plans will be as varied as our parishes, although the Mission Enabler team will offer a helpful template to work from. Each plan will be discussed by the Archdeacon when they come to visit about three months after the process begins. They will listen to all the plans for a deanery and also identify any areas of shared need or work. The process will conclude with a Deanery Collaboration Meeting attended by a Bishop, which will identify areas of potential collaboration between parishes and encourage greater cross-parish working across the deanery where appropriate and helpful.

Our parish has completed the Parish Needs Process, what happens next?

The first phase of the Parish Needs Process is prayerfully discerning and writing of a Church Development plan. The second phase is prayerfully working to deliver that plan. The Mission Enablers will continue to offer or signpost to support in doing this.

We know that God is often on the move... This means that plans must evolve and change. So, the Church Development Plan is intended to be a living document that is continually reviewed, progress celebrated and changes made. The Mission Enablers encourage PCCs and parish leadership to regularly revisit and review progress as part of their regular meetings. 

The PNP cycle repeats around every two years. 

If you would like some support from one of the Mission Enablers as you implement an existing priority on your Church Development Plan, then please do contact the Parish Co-ordination Team (parishcoordination@cofeguildford.org.uk).

How do we write, renew and review our Church Development Plan?
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