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Welcoming children and young people

We long for our churches to be friendly and accessible to children and young people-places of possibility, where faith and discipleship bring life, hope and meaning to the emerging generation. These ideas are central to the vision and strategies of both the national Church of England and the Diocese of Guildford.


Recruiting children and youth leaders
Training and support
Growing Faith: What does and effective church-school partnership look like?

Keeping in touch

If you’re thinking about developing the ministry your church does with children and young people (as a result of the Parish Needs Process or otherwise), the Diocesan Mission Enablers for Children & Families and Youth are here to help.

We’d really welcome a conversation, so please do get in touch:

For youth ministry                                        For children and families ministry

Alastair Etheridge                                       Emma Coy

Any leaders working with children and young people in the Diocese of Guildford can keep in touch with all that’s happening across the diocese by signing up to our regular newsletter.

Follow one or more of our social media accounts too (your request to join will be checked first by the account Admins, so allow up to a couple of days for this to happen):

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