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Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD)

God continues to encourage each one of us to live out our calling and to keep growing, learning and serving him in the best way that we can. 

So, whether lay or ordained, those in a Church leadership role will continue to learn and train after ordination or licensing. 

The Diocese of Guildford’s Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) programme supports ministers with courses, provision for ministerial development leave and courses for making a transition from one type of ministry to another. Licensed clergy are also provided with a personal allowance for training. Training Courses are offered throughout the year, delivered by expert practitioners; details are updated regularly and any new courses are found on the termly Training brief

Full details are in this Continuing Ministerial Development summary document.

Download the CMD Summary


Curates in IME Stage 2, (also known as IME 4-7), have their own CMD programme. Read more about this.

Retired Clergy study days

LLMs are welcome to attend CMD study days and also have a programme organised for them by the LLM (Readers') Board.

CMD for all LLMs, including special provision for LLMs in their first four years, is overseen by Simon Loveless, CMD Tutor for LLMs. Contact Simon or Christine Bailey for further information.

Pastoral Assistants

PAs are welcome to attend the study days from the CMD programme. Contact admin@cofeguildford.org.uk for more information.

Sarah Slater, the Diocesan Training Lead, works with a team of tutors on the increasingly-popular PA course. Contact Sarah for more information.

Ministerial Development Leave (MDL)

This is open to full-time, stipendiary, licensed clergy and self-supporting clergy who are effectively full time. See the download above for more details. 

Extended Ministerial Development Leave (EMDL)

Those who have been in stipendiary ministry for at least 12 years (i.e. eight or nine years after serving a Title Post), have been in their current post for at least three years, and are not within two years of retirement, may be invited to take EMDL. Use these downloads to consider and apply:

Local Ministry Programme (LMP)

LMP offers a range of diploma and degree modules. Short courses (non-accredited) are also worth considering. Please email Rachel Bader for more details, and read more about the LMP here.

Transitions in Ministry courses

Transitions in Ministry comprises five dioceses working together to provide courses for times of vocational transition. Please contact our Admin Team for more information.

Ministry Development Review

Affirmation and Accountability

The Ministry Development Review provides for you to meet one of the Bishop’s Review Team every other year in order to review and reflect upon your ministry and your development as a minister. Read more about this.

Encouragement and consultation

The Director of Mission is always pleased to meet you to discuss your ministerial development and training, whether you have a clear idea of what interests you, or if you simply wish for an open and general discussion. Please contact Peter Harwood


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