Following the appointment of Esther Prior as the Bishop of Aston, there is now a vacancy in the House of Clergy on General Synod representing Guildford Diocese.
The by-election of ONE person to represent the Clergy of the Diocese on General Synod is, therefore, required and qualified clergy members of Deanery Synods will be invited to nominate candidates.
The By-election will be administered by Civica Election Services (CES) on behalf of the Diocese of Guildford.
Timetbale for Election
Monday 10th March | Online nomination papers issued |
Monday 7th April (12 noon) | Closing date for nominations |
Monday 14th April (12 noon) | Closing date for return of profiles for candidates |
Monday 28th April | Online ballot papers issued Online Q&As open |
Monday 19th May (12 noon) | Closing date for voting |
Tuesday 20th May | Election Count |
You can view the information on the candidates here
Further information is available from