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Reverend Folli Olokose- Why mark Racial Justice Sunday?

Racial Justice Sunday will be marked on the 9th February. It is an opportunity for all churches to reflect on the importance of racial justice, the beauty of human diversity, and to commit to end racism and discrimination.  

This year the theme is, ‘Coat of Many Colours’, reflecting the increasing diversity that exists in the churches in Britain and Ireland.  

The Revd Folli Olokose will be preaching at a special Racial Justice Sunday service at Guildford Cathedral along with Bishop Paul.  We interviewed him on what Racial Justice Sunday means to him and how churches can embrace the increasing racial diversity in their communities. The Revd Folli Olokose is the Lead Area Director of Ordinards for Kensington in the Diocese of London. 

Why is it important to mark Racial Justice Sunday, and what can people expect from the service on February 9th?  

  • It would be great if we didn’t need a particular day to discuss race. However, Racial Justice Sunday is important as a way of reminding us all of the pains of injustice in the past as we prayerfully look to the future. For the service on Sunday, I want to focus on what unites us all and going forward with love for one another. Each of us is made in the image of God, and I pray for a better future when we will no longer need to remind ourselves that we are all part of the same race.    

  Why does representation matter?  

  • It is not just representation that matters, it is also the full participation of the whole people of God in the service and Kingdom of God. We need to value them as church members and as leaders. If you are a White person with a White child, you may pause before deciding to send your child to a school were all the pupils are Black or Asian. You may worry whether they would fit in. That is the same consideration for UKME/GMH people when they come into our churches. They may ask themselves if they will be accepted, will they see those who look or speak like them, and will they be integrated into the body of the church.  
  • There has been important action here in the diocese and in the national church but there is more to be done. It’s not just about numerical participation, it’s about creating a level playing field for UKME/GMH people to flourish in the church environment, express themselves fully and contribute their skills, experience and faith. For churches, that means not just doing things the way they’ve always been done. We need to give space and latitude for difference. After all, in the multitude of Heaven, everyone will find their room.  


We are encouraging parishes to recommit to the principles of the Racial Justice Covenant. Why is tackling racism and discrimination a ‘missional imperative’? 

  • Tackling racism is not just a "missional imperative;" it is a Kingdom imperative. Jesus said, "Go into the world and make disciples of all nations." If we are serious about obeying this command, then we must not only remove prejudice and bias but also completely eradicate anything that prevents the whole people of God from worshipping and belonging to the Flock of our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.  
  • Another interesting reason to tackle racism is that it leads not only to an intercultural church but also intergenerational churches. The UK is a very multicultural country. Newly arrived immigrants in particular are more likely to live in a home with multiple generations. If we want to grow our church membership, we must tackle racism. 

What are some of the practical ways churches can provide welcome to people from minority backgrounds, and intentionally grow an intercultural church?  

  • I would like to suggest three key areas. The first is about creating an initial welcoming environment, welcoming environment, especially for GMH people, younger families, and newcomers. Our actions can determine whether they feel valued and want to return. That means having someone on the door who is outgoing and friendly and happy to be there. Some minority groups will already feel anxious about being accepted, so being greeted with enthusiasm will help put them at ease.  
  • The second area is the in-between. What happens during the service? How accessible is our worship? Do people feel included? At the end of the service, is anyone looking out for the newcomers?  Will someone introduce them to the leaders, tell them about the baby and toddler group, the Small Group or the foodbank etc? 
  • The third area is the afterwards. Who will be in contact with them? Will someone notice if they have not been there? Will someone be able to invest in their spiritual wellbeing? Will they be invited to join a Small Group or be part of a working group or committee? Will there be parts of the songs and liturgy in their native tongues? Will you hold events where people can share their heritage and cuisine? It can be very empowering to ask someone to share a bit about themselves and where they come from or ask them to pray about a concerning issue from their home country. 

    Like everyone else, GMH people want to be loved and valued. Our churches will grow to be intercultural and intergenerational when this is done.  


How can church leaders help grow/encourage a more diverse leadership team? 

  • The first step is to know their congregation well. Jesus gave a good example in the way he selected and surrounded himself with the twelve disciples. Each of the disciples brought something to the team. They were all different, but Jesus gave all of them a chance. In the same way, we should not surround ourselves with only those who look like us, think like us, or even pray in the way we pray.  
  • A good leader should be investing time and energy into developing a diversity of future leaders who will pick up the mantle. That might mean giving them information on the rules and regulations so they can navigate leadership and governance. It could be as simple as even letting people know about a vacancy and encouraging them to apply. There isn’t always a clear career pathway in the church, so it takes senior leaders to purposefully pull others up.

What progress do you hope to see now and in the future when it comes to racial equality and celebrating diversity within the Church of England?  

  • Jesus' prayer for his disciples comes to mind here. In John 17, Jesus prayed that all his disciples would be one and love each other so that everyone would know they were His disciples. I long to see that day when we no longer need a Racial Justice Sunday. I long for that day when every man or woman will be seen, valued and accepted as Beloved Child of God. I long for that day when every echelon of our church structures will reflect the diversity of the whole people of God. I long for that when GMH people will no longer enter our churches with trepidation. I long for that day when the song of GMH people as they enter into our churches and chaplaincies will echo words from Psalm 100: 4, 'Enter His Gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise, I will say this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice for He has made me glad.' This will bring me so much joy and fulfilment and most importantly will gladden God’s heart.  


Advice on building churches that are more representative of their communities can be found in the anti-racisim toolkit. 


Hear Here clinics growing from strength to strength
The Diocese's hearing clinics, which are run in partnership with Sight for Surrey and the NHS, have seen a rise in visitors and a number of new clinic established over the last year.
Bishop Andrew launches Lent Appeal to address growing need
The Rt Revd Andrew Watson, Bishop of Guildford has called for individuals and local churches to donate to his charity’s Lent Appeal, to address the growing need across our communities.
Celebrating International Women's Day
To mark International Women’s Day (8 March), we celebrate the continuing rise of women called to ministry and other leadership roles within the church.
Statement on General Synod safeguarding vote
A Diocesan statement on the General Synod vote around the future direction of safeguarding in the Church of England.
Pupils design an emblem to link school and church
Holy Trinity Primary School and Church in West End have each unveiled and displayed a piece of art designed by Year 5 pupils to celebrate their connection.
St Paul's Addlestone- What does welcome mean?
Watch a video on how St Paul's Addlestone offers a welcome to its diverse congregation, and has a wide range of nationalities represented at every level of church life.
Holy Trinity Church on growing diversity
Holy Trinity Church, Aldershot is a great example of a church where diversity is celebrated and embraced. As a result, it can claim to be a truly intercultural as well as intergenerational church.
Diocese of Guildford calls for recommitment to racial equality
This week (3rd-9th February) the Diocese of Guildford is marking Race Equality Week and Racial Justice Sunday by encouraging a renewed commitment to racial equality and growing diversity.
The Very Reverend Bob Cooper installed as the new Dean of Guildford.
The Very Reverend Bob Cooper installed as the new Dean of Guildford. The Installation Service took place on Sunday, 26 January 2025, in the presence of clergy, dignitaries, and members of the wider community.
Net Zero Conference drives renewed commitment to change
The Diocese of Portsmouth, The Diocese of Guildford, and the Diocese of Chichester joined forces in hosting their first Net Zero Carbon conference at Portsmouth Cathedral last Saturday (18th Jan).
Bishop Andrew speaks at historic interfaith event
On Sunday (19 Jan), Bishop Andrew joined religious and community leaders, in Guildford in a day of reconciliation on the 750th anniversary of the expulsion of the Jewish people from Guildford.
New Year = New Net Zero Carbon opportunities
Here are a few things that can help you on your Net Zero Carbon journey as we kick off 2025
Deepcut to become the first new parish in Surrey this century
A new parish has been created in Deepcut- the first in the Diocese of Guildford for 25 years.
Revd Canon Esther Prior announced as Bishop of Aston
The Revd Canon Esther Prior, Vicar of St John’s Egham in the Diocese of Guildford has today been announced as the next Bishop of Aston at the Church of England Birmingham.
Statement in relation to the former Ripley Church of England Primary School site
Statement following a Department for Education update on the former Ripley Church of England Primary School site.
Online Advent Calendar for schools and young people
This year's online interactive Advent calendar from the Diocese has been launched for schools and young people to join in with from 1 December
Bishop Andrew reflects on his last 10 years at Diocesan Synod
The Rt Revd Andrew Watson became the Bishop of Guildford 10 years ago this month and reflected on his time in his Presidential Address at Saturday's Diocesan Synod
The Bishop of Guildford welcomes 10 new Honorary Canons
Guildford Cathedral hosted the installation of 10 new Honorary Canons at their Choral Evensong last night, who included members of Bishop's Council and Diocesan staff
Continue to tackle gender-based abuse
Although the 16 Days of Activism is drawing to a close, the call to tackle abuse towards women and girls is never-ending
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence starts today
Today marks White Ribbon Day and the start of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence, as we aim to help raise awareness around safeguarding and how we can all help tackle the abuse of women and girls
Faith in action: Three Dioceses to host Climate Conference
The Dioceses of Portsmouth, Guildford and Chichester will host a first-of-its-kind climate change conference.
Bishop Andrew's statement on the Makin Review
A statement from the Rt Revd Andrew Watson Bishop of Guildford on the publication of the Makin Review and the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.
Statement to Church schools following the resignation of the Archbishop
The Diocesan Director of Education released a statement to Headteachers and Trust Leaders of our Church schools following the resignation of Archbishop Justin Welby
Remembrance events across the diocese
Acts of remembrance have taken place globally and locally over the last couple of days as we honour those who “gave their today for our tomorrow”.
Statement on the Makin Review from the Bishop of Guildford
The Bishop of Guildford responds to the independent review by Keith Makin into the Church of England's handling of allegations of serious abuse by the late John Smyth.
Meet the military chaplain
With Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day coming up, we find out more about the role of a military chaplain in the diocese.
Viborg and Guildford Dioceses partner on pilgrimage
A team of clergy from the Dioceses of Guildford joined with a team from our partner Diocese in Denmark, Viborg, on a 36-mile pilgrimage through the Surrey countryside.
Leading to small changes
As Black History Month draws to a close, we want to encourage you to keep on celebrating diversity and the small changes you can make
£60k to help churches to grow greener
In partnership with the Church of England nationally, Guildford Diocese has launched a quick wins fund for churches to take immediate actions to cut their carbon emissions.
Moving from welcome to belonging
Our latest Black History Month films look at the move from welcome to belonging and encourage us to consider what can help people come to feel included.
Sign up for a new Church Support Hub
The new Church of England’s Church Support Hub offers resources to help your church with common challenges faced by churches around the country.
Covid memorial windows dedicated to honour victims
A news story about the dedication of Covid memorial windows
Welcome: more than a greeting at the door
This week, as you watch our Black History Month film on Welcome, think about what you can do to make your church more welcoming to people with different backgrounds.
Great Bookham gets gold!
St Nicolas in Great Bookham became the second church in the diocese to become a Gold Eco Church and help us take a step closer to net zero carbon.
Light in the darkness- an alternative to Halloween
story about alternative celebrations to Halloween
You are the person we’ve been waiting for
We continue our celebrating Black History Month by recognising the diversity in our churches and those we can encourage
Nudge: 15 October 7.30pm
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The 50th Anniversary of the Guildford Pub Bombings
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Archdeacon of Sunderland appointed as new Dean of Guildford
News on new Dean
Black History Month 2024
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Fun-filled summer clubs across the diocese
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Creationtide: A call to tread more lightly on this planet
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Church Growth Conference to focus on deeper discipleship
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How you can bridge the generation gap in church
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New Registrar for the Diocese of Guildford starts his role
Appointment announcement of the new registrar of the Diocese of Guildford
Save the planet and money at Hale’s new clothing bank
Hale celebrates the opening of its new clothing bank at St Mark's Church, Upper Hale, joining the church and the local community centre.
Creationtide: A season to celebrate and reflect on creation care
Find out how Frimley Parish has marked Creationtide over the last 5 years and engaged the community in its care for God's creation
Pewley Down Church of England Infant School reopens after concrete closure
Pewley Down Church of England Infant School has welcomed back children and staff to the newly refurbished school buildings after it was forced to close for 11 months due to structural safety concerns
Churches open to visitors for Heritage Open Days
Around 35 churches in the diocese are hosting events for all the family across the annual Heritage Open Days (6-15 Sept) at various times
Making ministry more inclusive: Makaton
Sarah shares how she is using Makaton to help her church be more inclusive, engaging children and others through signs and symbols.
Nominate your church for the National Church Awards
The National Churches Trust has begun its search for the best churches in the UK, but be quick nominations close on Saturday 31 August
Art and Theology collide for a fresh experience of God
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Remember your Ps and Qs
How do we make our churches more inclusive and inviting for people who are different to us?
Celebrating our 2023/24 First Timer students
We celebrated the graduation of our First Timers in June. Find out about our training scheme for those wanting to develop their children, families and youth ministries.
A call for churches to lead community solidarity
The Bishop of Guildford has called churches in the diocese to pray and work towards bridge-building across our communities.
Are you ready to preach Luke?
We’re helping those who preach or lead bible studies, both lay and clergy, prepare for the set gospel for the next church year with a study day.
School Hub Leaders complete first academic year
Andy and Oli have wrapped up their first two terms and the academic year as School Hub Leaders as part of the Youth Catalyst Project
The King is going green, how about you?
You might not be able to take some of the steps His Royal Highness is taking but you can find out some tips about helping your church go green
Revd George Newton celebrates 25 years of ministry in Aldershot
Holy Trinity Church Aldershot is celebrating Revd George Newton’s 25 years of ministry as vicar this year
Unexpected ministry in Cove's café
An unexpected but very welcome group of young people start attending the Parish of Cove's afternoon cafe and explore the Christian faith
Plans submitted for care home in North Leatherhead
The plans are for a residential care home to be built on the former Leatherhead Trinity School site on Aperdele Road in North Leatherhead
Net Zero Demonstrator Churches announced in the diocese
Holy Trinity KNaphill and Christ Church Epsom Common have been awarded grants as part of the 'Demonstrator Churches' project
Am I meant to be here?
How listening to God, supportive friends and hard work led Sara to train for ministry
Building work begins for Diocesan office at Stag Hill
On 8 July 2024 Cortec of Farncombe broke ground to extend the former Diocesan Education Centre (DEC) on Stag Hill
An outstanding school at the heart of Long Ditton for 150 years
St Mary's Church of England Junior School in Long Ditton is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year
Tent Week 2024
In the first week of June, the Bishop of Guildford hosted 1000+ guests who partner with the Diocese across 16 events.
Celebrating the latest priests and deacons in the diocese
We celebrated with friends and families of 30 women and men over the weekend as they were welcomed as deacons and priests in the diocese.
Has your church completed the Energy Footprint Tool?
You've still got a month to complete the Energy Footprint Tool for your church and play your part in our Net Zero journey.
New Lay Ministers celebrate with friends and family
Two new Lay Ministers celebrated their licensing alongside the re-licensing of nine peers with friends and family on Saturday evening
Two new Lay Ministers will be licensed in 2024
Amber and Samantha, who have been studying as part of the Diocese’s Local Ministry Programme (LMP), are being licensed on Saturday 22 June
How Karen Wheatley was called
This year's ordination services take place tomorrow and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Tom Musson was called
This year's ordination services take place in just two days and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Rachel Mead was called
This year's ordination services take place in just a few days and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Louisa Mason was called
This year's ordination services take place in just a few days and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Clare Marren was called
This year's ordination services take place in just a few days and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How James Luckey was called
This year's ordination services take place in a week and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Jane Jones was called
This year's ordination services take place in a week and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Will Ingle was called
This year's ordination services take place in a few days and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Richard Flenley was called
This year's ordination services take place in a few days and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Joanna Day was called
This year's ordination services take place in 10 days and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Alex Day was called
This year's ordination services take place in a few days and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Gabrielle Clarke was called
This year's ordination services take place in a few days and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Rachel-Elizabeth Clark was called
This year's ordination services take place in two weeks and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Holly Byles was called
This year's ordination services take place in two weeks and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
How Alison Anderson was called
This year's ordination services take place in just a couple of weeks and we're celebrating those who are taking the exciting steps into ordained ministry.
Celebrating 30 years of women priests
We were joined by one of the first and the newest ordained women priests for this interview celebrating the last 30 years both nationally and locally
Fully alive as the people God made them to be
The new Archdeacon of Surrey supports clergy and parishes to be fully alive as the people God made them to be
Youth Catalyst Project ignites
Progress and success so far of the Diocese Youth Catalyst Project.
Working together to protect vulnerable people
The Diocese partners with many authorities and organisations to support the protection of vulnerable people
Eco Church: Passionate people drive the initial work
Hear how the people at St John's Egham continue to drive forward in their work to become more eco-friendly as a church community.
Diocesan Synod nominations: a call to serve
Be a voice for your community by serving on the diocese's primary governing body.
App celebrates six years in the fight against modern slavery
The Clewer Initiative's Safe Car Wash App is celebrating its sixth year in helping eradicate modern slavery in the UK.
New University Chaplain at Royal Holloway
Revd Daniel Walker was licenced at start of May as the new Anglican Chaplain at Royal Holloway, University of London.
Eco Church: Drawing others into the community
Hear how St Paul's Addlestone took on the challenge to raise their eco-credentials and achieve a bronze Eco Church award.
The Priory joins the Enlighten Learning Trust
The Priory Secondary School in Dorking celebrated joining the Enlighten Learning Trust last week.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2024
Here's an encouragement to take stock of your well-being as we mark Mental Health Awareness Week.
Have you thought of Ordained Ministry?
If you are considering a call to ministry exploring Ordained Minstery could be the next step for you
Footprints First Step on the Net Zero Pathway
Find out how you can get started on your Net Zero pathway and more easily access funding to help you take further steps.
The Weald becomes a 'Heritage School'
The Weald Church of England Primary School in Beare Green, Dorking received the Heritage School Award last week.
Have you thought of Licensed Lay Ministry?
If your considering a call to ministry becoming a Licensed Lay Minster could be the next step for you.
‘A Journey from Brokenness to Restoration’
St Alban’s Hindhead is hosting a touring exhibition of exquisite faith-based embroideries.
Hear Here helps the hearing impaired across the diocese
46 Hearing Aid Clinics across the area support those with hearing aids to get the best from their devices.
30 years since the first women were ordained in Guildford
Today is 30 years to the day that women were first ordained in the Diocese of Guildford.
Work towards a more hopeful tomorrow
Join us in standing up against discrimination and work towards a more hopeful tomorrow.
Earth Day calls us each to play our part
Earth Day calls us to educate ourselves and take action to care for our planet
Revd Professor Maggi Dawn to speak at next Theology Hub
The next Theology Hub is taking place at Guildford Cathedral on Thursday 2 May looking at Theology and the Arts.
New Registrar appointed for the Diocese of Guildford
We are pleased to announce Kevin Wilson from Birketts as the next Registrar for the Diocese of Guildford.
Response to Let there be Light
This documentary reminds us all about the vital importance of safeguarding in ministry and the risks and dangers when power is allowed to be exercised without accountability and safeguards in place
You’re not too late: how women paved the way for Sara to begin LLM training
God used many different women to help Sara towards ministry training
Honouring many years of service to the Church
Sheila and Stephen, from churches in the diocese, were honoured at the annual Maundy Money service.
Join with millions to pray 'Thy Kingdom Come'
There's still time for you and your church to join in with the global prayer movement on 9-19 May
Easter highlights from across Guildford Diocese
What do penguins and pirates have to do with Easter? Churches get creative sharing the Easter Story.
Making a difference to a real world problem
Christ Church Epsom became an Eco Church in 2018. In 2019 they were awarded the Bronze Award and in 2022 the Silver. The church is collectively committed to living in harmony with God’s creation.
How your church can become an Eco Church
By using schemes like ARocha’s Eco Church, Churches are taking the lead in caring for God's creation. The program equips churches to integrate sustainable practices into worship, buildings, land management, community engagement, and individual lifestyles.
Children feel closer to God when churches partner with the local school
How do you help children feel closer to God? Our research shows that when churches partner with the local school they do just that. In 80% of the schools surveyed all the children said that when people from the local church visit the school, they feel closer to God.
It’s a full house for Justin Welby at ‘Speaker’s Corner’
The Archbishop of Canterbury is the latest guest to be interviewed and face questions from the floor at St Paul’s Camberley.
Seven ways you can care for creation
Here are seven steps your church can take as we head towards the Church of England's target to be Net Zero Carbon by 2030.
Asking big questions is good for children
A recent study by the Diocese of Guildford has found that the greater the involvement from a church in a school, the greater the children are aware of their own, and the world’s, strengths, wonder, and beauty.
Introducing our new Net Zero Programme Manager
We're pleased to announce Steve Collins as our Net Zero Programme Manager and share how his role will help us as we journey to Net Carbon Zero by 2030.
Cathedral and Diocese join for a Key Stage 1 Eco-Day
The Education Teams at Guildford Cathedral and the Diocese joined to host eco-champions from 15 CofE schools at their annual Eco-Day.
The Right Reverend Michael Adie
It is with deep sadness that news reached us of the death of the Right Reverend Michael Edgar Adie CBE, Bishop of Guildford from 1983-1994.
Evensong welcome to the new Archdeacon of Surrey
The Revd Canon Catharine Mabuza has formally become the first female archdeacon for the Diocese of Guildford, and the next Archdeacon of Surrey at a service of Choral Evensong on the 17 March at 6pm.
First ‘Bubble Church’ in the Diocese of Guildford
A NEW type of service aimed at families with babies and toddlers has been launched at a Christ Church, Epsom Common
Cranleigh Church of England Primary school joins the Good Shepherd Trust
Cranleigh Church of England Primary School has become the latest to join the Good Shepherd Trust (GST), a Multi Academy Trust in the Diocese of Guildford.
Watch the Passion of Jesus theatre production on Good Friday
An estimated 20,000 people will watch Wintershall’s live production of The Passion of Jesus in Trafalgar Square on 29 March.
Reducing food insecurity, building community and winning an award
As we celebrate International Women's Day today, Rima is just one example of the many amazing women across the diocese who pour their all into their local community.
Understand your energy footprint to reduce it
The Energy Footprint Tool is now open for 2024 for you to be able to work out your church's carbon footprint and help care for creation.
Leadership for healthy church growth
Find out what opportunities the Diocese of Guildford has to offer you to help you lead your church into a place of healthy growth.
Day of Reflection 3 March 2024
Join us on the annual Day of Reflection as we remember those who lost their lives during the coronavirus pandemic and support those facing bereavement.
Caring for creation honours God and each other
Find out why we strive to do our best to take care of creation and the environment around us.
BGCF Lent Appeal 2024
Bishop Andrew launches appeal for those impacted by the cost-of-living crisis and the Covid pandemic
Community, a changing culture and a challenge
Rev Ben Perkins, our Young Vocations Champion, shares about supporting young people on their vocational journey.
Lent Course 2024 kicks off
Join us over the next five weeks as we explore our calling to be disciples of Jesus
“Whoever wears this cope will have the power to change minds”
Reflecting on Racial Justice Sunday 2024
Race Equality Week: The big promise
It's the final day of the Race Equality Matters Week
Race Equality Week: A culture of belonging
Day 4 of Race Equality Matters Week and we're looking at creating a culture of belonging today.
Race Equality Week: Public praise
We're halfway through Race Equality Matters Week!
Race Equality Week: Different cultures
Take today's Race Equality Matters challenge.
Race Equality Week: Microaggression
This week, for Race Equality Week, we are sharing the five daily challenges so we are all more informed and challenged about racial diversity.
Groundbreaking in Deepcut
Wednesday 31st January marked a significant step forward for the church at Mindenhurst on the former barracks at Deepcut.
Time To Talk Day 2024
Find out more about what you can do this #TimeToTalk day to join the conversation on mental health
Lent Course - 'Jesus and Calling: On the Road to Easter'
A five-week video series encouraging us to explore our own calling as we delve into Jesus' calling to the cross through the Gospels. The materials are designed for use in small group settings and will be particularly helpful in discerning our own vocations (in the broadest sense) – in everyday life, but also our part in church life, mission and leadership.
The Bishop of Guildford reflections from his trip to Nigeria late last year 
Bishop Andrew shares from his trip to Nigeria to meet with Bishops and Churches linked to the Diocese of Guildford. 
Ministry & Motherhood
Esther shares her story of becoming a mother and an ordained minister at the same time.
Racial Justice Sunday 2024
Sunday 11 February 2024 is this year’s Racial Justice Sunday.
Godalming welcomes new Minster
The community of Godalming joined together to celebrate the launch of Godalming Minister.
Vandals damage iconic angel glass
Sadly Guildford Cathedral was subject to vandalism over the weekend.
LMP Spring 2024 Term starts
The first term of 2024 kicked off this week for the Local Ministry Programme.
Single Friendly Churches
Our churches will often be welcoming people who are on their own. Find out how you can help them feel valued.
Christmas cover at Church House Guildford
The office is closed for Christmas until 2 January. We hope you won't need it but you can find all the emergency contact information here.
New Surrey RE syllabus attracts national interest
Celebrating the launch of a new Religious Education syllabus focused on religion and belief lived out in real life.
Introducing our new Young Vocations Champion
We welcome Revd Ben Perkins, who has taken on the role of Young Vocations Champion and encourages young people in their calling.
Following the path the Lord has cleared for me
Nikki shares her experience of the Diocese's most recent Occasional Preacher course and how it has empowered her.
Prayers of Love and Faith available from Sunday
The Church of England has announced that the Prayers of Love and Faith will be available from Sunday 17 December.
16 Days: How can we help? – Part 2
The 16 Days of Activism finishes today but this will hopefully be the beginning of change for many.
16 Days: How can we help? – Part 1
We share some practical actions and steps you can take to help make a positive difference.
16 Days: The journey out of domestic abuse
Tori shares her experience of the local church, agencies and authorities all working together to support a woman and her child out of a violent and abusive situation.
16 Days: The place of the Church
The Church can play a key part in supporting those affected by abuse. Tori shares some thoughts in the latest video.
16 Days: Stats and facts on domestic abuse
It’s seven days into the 16 Days of Activism and we wanted to share some statistics and facts about domestic abuse.
New online Advent Calendars, ‘The World is Waiting’
Two online Advent Calendars created by the Diocese Education Team are launched today for use by schools, churches and individuals.
16 Days: Revd Tori the Social Worker
Continuing our 16 Days of Activism series, Revd Tori Silletti tells us about her professional background as a Social Worker.
New Archdeacon of Surrey announced
The Bishop of Guildford, the Rt Revd Andrew Watson, has today announced that Revd Canon Catharine Mabuza will take up the position of Archdeacon of Surrey, in early 2024.
RISE UP against domestic abuse
The next 16 Days of Activism aims to raise awareness and help the fight against Gender-based domestic abuse and we’d love you to join us on this journey.
St Paul's Addlestone celebrate diversity
St Paul's are embracing and encouraging diversity as it grows its congregation and welcomes and involves people from all nations.
Theology Hub’s inaugural lecture with renowned theologian, Professor David Ford
An exciting step took place last month as Local Ministry Programmes team hosted their first Theology Hub, lecture events that help to foster life-giving theological discourse.
Safeguarding Adults Week, 20 - 24 November 2023
We’re highlighting the importance of safeguarding all week and learning how to safeguard ourselves and others.
St Mary's School celebrates Chiddingfold's heritage
Chiddingfold's CofE Primary School celebrated a Heritage Week and visited local historical sites including learning about the history of the local church.
You’re invited to the Diocese’s annual Church Growth Conference
Looking forward to welcoming over 450 clergy, parish staff and PCC members from 100 parishes to the annual Church Growth Conference next Wednesday, 22 November.
Growing more than just plants in new wellbeing garden
Plans for a new wellbeing garden are underway in Woking as St Andrew’s grows community and new opportunities as well as plants.
Worship service leader training
We welcomed 14 new worship service leaders to the diocese this summer, concluding their seven weeks of training with an evening of prayer and affirmation.
Are you committed to racial justice?
We look back at how we marked Black History Month 2023 and how we can all continue to take steps on our journey to grow diversity.
The next Nudge: explore your purpose
Come and join us for our latest Nudge event to explore whether God may be calling you further along a discipleship journey.
Black History Month: How being mentored has helped me
Linnet rounds up the stories that have been shared from across the diocese to celebrate Black History Month, mentioning the key people who have stood by her on her journey.
Our progress on From Lament to Action
Find out the latest progress from our Racial Diversity Advisory Group which met earlier this month.
Let there be light at Halloween
Choose a Light Party near you to celebrate the light, love and hope of Jesus this Halloween/All Hallows Eve.
Double celebrations for Hear Here
We’re celebrating the success of Hear Here securing funding as it continues to help maximise independence and wellbeing for people across Surrey.
Make a big difference in a couple of clicks
Take a couple of minutes to support St Michael's Church in Sheerwater in applying for funding for a much-needed Community Hub.
Black History Month: My Journey to ordination
Read the powerful story of Revd Dr Moni's call to ordained ministry as we continue to celebrate Black History Month across the diocese.
Hambledon hosts first pet service
Dogs, a cat, a quail and a couple of llamas joined the team at Hambledon Church and Muddy Church for a wonderfully unusual service.
Faith leaders pray for Israel and Gaza
Jewish, Muslim and Christian faith leaders joined together to pray for the situation in Israel and Gaza.
Domestic Violence Awareness Day
Wear purple, build your awareness of domestic violence and find out where to seek help.
#PilgrimsAgainstPoverty travel through the Diocese
Christians Against Poverty walk the Pilgrims' Way cutting through the beauty spots in the diocese and raising awareness on the fight against poverty.
The Venerable Paul Bryer
We share the news of the sad of the death of a friend and former colleague to many in the Diocese of Guildford
Safeguarding standards published
The Church of England has today published a set of National Safeguarding Standards. Find out more in this article.
Israel and Gaza
We join with many others throughout the Church and around the world in praying for the violence in Israel and Gaza. We hope you find these resources of help.
Shout Out! And Don’t Hold Back!
Dean Pusey, Curate at Holy Trinity Aldershot, shares his reflections as we continue to celebrate Black History Month.
Guildford man honoured by the Prayer Book Society
Dr John Verity receives award for his years of faithful service at anniversary celebration
LLF - A statement from eleven bishops in the House of Bishops
The following statement was shared with media following the announcement from House of Bishops
Help make your community Slavery Free
Do One Thing this Anti-Slavery Awareness Week (16-23 October) to help make your community Slavery Free.
Prayers of Love and Faith: Bishops agree next steps to bring to Synod
Link to the Church of England press release
Celebrating diversity: Shelley’s journey in exploring her calling
We continue our celebration of Black History Month this week with Shelly's story.
Bishop Paul: Ordained, consecrated and now installed
Having been consecrated at Westminster Abbey nine days earlier, Bishop Paul was installed at Guildford Cathedral last night at a Welcome Service.
Expanding the missional leadership of Guildford
The launch of the Foundations in Ministry programme took place last month with an aim to equip a whole variety of leaders in the life of the Church.
Black History Month: Babs’ journey of faith
Throughout the month of October we will be marking Black History Month by celebrating the stories of individuals throughout the diocese. Babs kicks things off.
Celebrating the new Bishop of Dorking
Family, friends and colleagues came together at Westminster Abbey to celebrate the consecration and ordination of Paul Davies as the sixth Bishop of Dorking on Friday.
Black History Month 2023 starts this Sunday
The month of October sees the UK celebrate the achievements and contributions of black people in all spheres of life.
‘Flower Tower’ celebrates church reopening
St Peter's Chertsey covered their church tower with a net of colourful flowers to mark the reopening of their newly refurbished church building
Walking alongside our partners in Denmark
The latest trip to our global partners in the Viborg Diocese in Denmark included a 60km pilgrimage. Find out how the team got on.
Join in with Apple Day!
You’re invited to celebrate the fruits of the Hale community orchard on Apple Day, Sunday 24 September.
Surrey Anti-Slavery Partnership: Modern Slavery – Right Here, Right Now
Detective Chief Inspector Kerry Loveless is the Surrey Police and South-East regional lead for Modern Slavery. This is what she has to say about Modern Slavery in Surrey.
£3.2 million for Youth Catalyst Project
A bold new programme to help young people explore the Christian faith has been launched with funding from the Church of England
Who said no one pays attention to the notices?
What happens when a church notice board catches the eye of a national social media account?
One week to go for completing Energy Footprint Tool
The battle for first place rages in the race for most churches completing the Energy Footprint Tool
A prayer for our young people and their families during results season
A prayer for all those affected or impacted by the results season
St Mark and All Saints School’s double Eco achievement
A great achievement for the Eco Council at St Mark and All Saints CofE Primary School in Godalming saw them receive two awards in one day.
Sixth Bishop of Dorking announced
The Venerable Paul Davies, Archdeacon of Surrey is to become the next Bishop of Dorking.
Diocese of Guildford fossil fuel divestment and investment strategy
The Diocese of Guildford will not knowingly hold investments, whether directly or indirectly, in companies which predominantly trade in fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal). The Diocese has divested its direct holdings in such companies. Indirect holdings are invested via CCLA whose investment strategy is in line with this commitment.
Supporting the pastoral work in our prison chaplaincies
Jenn joins the chaplaincy team at HMP Send to help support the women and staff in the prison.
Support our communities and Walk the Wey this September
Join Bishop Andrew on 16 September to walk the Wey navigation and help raise funds for the Bishop of Guildford's Communities Fund.
Reduce your church's carbon footprint with the Energy Footprint Tool
Join Team Guildford in the race for a sustainable future
‘1000 Tongues’ looks to build on the success of last year
The outdoor community worship event in Bordon hopes to build on the success of last year with more on offer.
Revd Armstrong takes a giant run for West Papua
The vicar of Holy Trinity Church in Westcott attempts to run 88 miles from Canterbury back to his parish church.
Celebrating 30 new priests and deacons
Friends and families gathered at Guildford Cathedral to celebrate the ordination of our new priests and deacons on Saturday and Sunday
Join in with a Stained Glass Summer on socials
The annual national #StainedGlassSummer campaign starts today and we want to invite you to take photos and videos of your local church's coloured glass masterpieces.
How were they called? | Richard Allan
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
Celebrating Lay Ministers in the Diocese
This weekend sees the Diocese's Licensed Lay Ministers being celebrated including the licensing of our latest Lay Minister in Shottermill.
Over 2500 pupils gather to reflect on their time in Primary education
Almost 3000 Year 6 pupils from church schools in the diocese came together for their Leavers' Services at Guildford Cathedral.
Diocese of Guildford launches Racial Justice Covenant and Toolkit
Diocese of Guildford launches Racial Justice Covenant and Anti-Racism Toolkit as a resource for parishes as they continually look to represent their community.
How were they called? | Heather Valletta
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | Mandie Shirnia
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | Janet Ruthven
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | Judith Mitchell
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | Alistair Milne
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | Kayleigh Magrath
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | Jonny Lowe
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | Ellie Lister
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | Corinne Jones
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | Rachel Johnson
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | Erik Heemskerk
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
Dean of Guildford, Dianna Gwilliams to retire
The Very Reverend Dianna Gwilliams has announced that she will retire as Dean of Guildford at the end of her ten years of service in September 2023. She will have her last evensong on Sunday 17th September to mark her final day in the Diocese.
How were they called? | Jill Gooding
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | David Camp
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
How were they called? | Lucy Bush
This July we will be welcoming 16 brand-new clergy to the diocese. Find out the stories behind the latest individuals being called to the priesthood.
Leatherhead Parish welcomes hundred new worshippers
An intentional focus on investing in under-18s has helped see Leatherhead Parish Church grow its congregation by over 100 members.
Experience the Life of Christ in Surrey
Set on the grounds of the Wintershall estate, this powerful biblical outdoor drama takes you back in time to when Jesus lived on Earth.
Art installation gets all ages involved for Pentecost
The creation of an art installation in Church on the Heath in Fleet got people of all ages involved this Pentecost
Fifteen brave the Leap of Faith
Abseiling from the highest point in Guildford isn't everyone's idea of fun but 15 individuals did just that in support of Guildford Cathedral
Junior Choir swells Haslemere congregation
Partnering with the local Church of England school to create a Junior Choir has seen St Bartholomew and St Christopher’s, Haslemere welcome new visitors.
Hymns We Love launched
Hymns We Love, the series developed for seniors, has been growing over the last few years and has launched a new media version for groups and individuals to use.
Small groups are the answer
A recent Alpha course encouraged a real hunger for connection and discipleship through small groups at St Peter's Hersham.
Fundraising tandem bike ride to pass through a number of parishes in the Diocese
Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) Director's challenge taking place on Music Sunday, a time to reflect and celebrate church music and musicians
Parish in good health ahead of the arrival of a new incumbent
A spotlight on the activities of St Stephen's Shottermil
Chilworth School celebrates 150 years
As Chilworth honour its 150th anniversary through a series of activities and celebrations
Leaders of leaders course underway
New foundations in Ministry programme launched. New initiative beginning in September.
Trekkers - An ‘outside-the-box’ ministry
A ministry that embraces children and adults with additional needs and enables them and their families to come to church.
Update from the Living in Love and Faith implementation working groups
An update on the working groups, one of which Bishop Andrew is co-chairing
All Saints’ Fleet reopens after catastrophic fire
After eight years All Saint's Fleet was reconsecrated after every major rebuild effort following arson attack that left the community devastated.
The King wants to give you some money
Hear from this years Maundy Money recipients ahead of the Coronation
Diocese launches new website
As our new website launches - get acquainted with the new look and feel and where to find certain pieces of information
Diocese hosts first successful safeguarding breakfast
Bishop Andrew & the Safeguarding Team hosted a number of key partners and agencies for a breakfast looking at how we can collaborate and work together more in the future
It’s all about outside, in
A wonderful story about an online church community that has been built over the pandemic and continues to support one ...
A composition to mark two sixtieth birthdays
Bishop Andrew has written a musical mass to mark two significant birthdays.
Chancellor to the Diocese stepping down after 20 years
Chancellor to the Diocese of Guildford, Andrew Jordan, will be stepping down having served in the role for over 20 ...
Everyone’s Welcome this Advent
Guildford Cathedral is always full of great activities and events over the Advent and Christmas period, with some great things ...
Fifth generation of family welcomed at school
Five generations of the same family have been attending a school in Puttenham since it it opened in 1913.
Affordable Cookery Workshops in Camberley
A cookery course in Camberley is helping to empower individuals to create healthy meals on a budget, as well as ...
'Big Questions?' created a buzz in Leatherhead
Archbishop Justin Welby's visit to the Diocese in September had a positive impact in Leatherhead.
'Everyone's Welcome' Online Advent Calendar
Online advent fun for everyone to help you explore the true meaning of Christmas!
Beer & Carols returning to Alford & Loxwood
Having taken a pause last year, Beer & Carols in the parish of Alford and Loxwood is returning for Christmas ...
And the winner of Young Chorister of the Year is...
A member of Guildford Cathedral's Girls Choristers won BBC's Young Chorister of The Year 2021.
Bottom up Communities Enabler joins the team
A great new member to our Mission Enabler Team joined last month. We had a short interview with Victoria and ...
Christmas in a new community
St Barbara's Community Church is celebrating only its second Christmas with its new community but there are a lot of ...
Creativity is ‘At the Heart of Christmas’
Hear how one parish in Godalming is embracing the Church of England's 'At The Heart of Christmas' theme and using ...
A Christmas Journey in the Parish of Cove
An interactive and engaging journey to help children and adults discover the true story of Christmas.
What is a thriving Youth Ministry?
Our new Mission Enabler for youth is raring to go as he seeks to connect with parishes and support their ...
St Mark’s Wyke celebrates 175 years
St Mark's, a lovely Victorian church in Normandy, went big and celebrated it's 175th anniversary in November.
A Christmas Day service for the whole nation
St Paul's Howell Hill, on the edge of the Diocese, will be hosting the Church of Englands national Christmas Day ...
Murals clinch Grade II listing for St Mark’s, Upper Hale
St Mark's Upper Hale has been awarded a Grade II listing due to its recently restored murals.
BEM Honour for Alex
Project Manager at St Mary's Ash Vale has been recognised in the Queen's New Year Honours list for services to ...
Daily Hope Co-Founder recognised with Queen’s honour
Pastoral Care and Seniors Minister from Holy Trinity, Claygate receives MBE in Queen's New Year Honours.
Lockdown invention helps keep energy bills down
A parishioner in Byfleet has created a device that is helping his local church cut its energy bills!
No longer Priest-in-Charge but… Vicar
St Mary's Cuddington celebrates Revd Theresa transitioning from Priest-in-Charge to Vicar
Local Ministry Programme Awards 2022
An evening celebrating and recognising the great achievements of the latest cohort from the Local Ministry Programme.
Merlin the donkey makes Carols in the Park at Burpham
A real life donkey was on hand to greet the almost 300 people who attended Burpham church's Carols in the ...
Belonging. Believing. Becoming.
Stellar line-up announced for the Diocesan Schools Leadership Conference 2022.
Introducing the new Diocesan Modern Day Slavery Adviser
Meet our new Modern Day Slavery Adviser, Allison, who will be helping us raise awareness in our communities.
Time to Talk Day
Time to Talk Day is a national initiative to encourage conversations around mental health - let's get chatting!
Alpha for all
We're so excited for this joint venture as churches from all across Guildford are coming together to run Youth Alpha!...
Diocesan Evangelism Adviser joins Mission Enabler team
The Mission Enabler team has recently welcomed a new member as they continue to expand their support to parishes.
Book Club Helps Under Tens Encounter Biblical Heroes
A book club for under tens is helping children improve their reading skills and engaging them with Biblical heroes.
Reflections of General Synod
The newly appointed General Synod met for the first time recently. Here is a reflection from Guildford representatives.
St Mark’s church shortlisted for heritage award
The restored murals at St Mark's Church continue to catch the eyes of many and have now led to the ...
Top of the Tots
A new parent and toddler group in Camberley helps engage 0-5s in sung worship, Bible stories and praying.
Celebrating 120 years
Celebrating 120 years of consecration was marked with a special service and 'fizz and cake' at All Saints Grayswood.
A Call to Prayer for Ukraine from Bishop Andrew
Following the shocking events of last week, as one great global crisis was dramatically eclipsed by another, could I encourage us all to continue in prayer for the deeply challenging situation in Ukraine?
Never too young to make a difference
The Diocesan Education Team and Guildford Cathedral jointly held an Eco Day on 3 March for six schools in the ...
A question of which sport?
A sports project in Farnborough is bringing youth of all abilities together to try something new.
Prayers and practical help for Ukraine
St Mary's Guildford is one of the many churches across the diocese that has reacted to offer prayer and practical ...
Top speakers star at Education Conference
A top lineup of speakers will be joining many from across the diocese at the Diocesan Schools Leadership Conference.
National Day of Reflection
Join with others across the nation to remember the loved ones we have lost during the pandemic.
New website coming soon
New website coming in May, this website will stop being updated during transition.
National Day of Reflection - 23 March
Marking the anniversary of the first UK lockdown in March 2020.
Pupil inspires latest ‘Daisy’ book
8-year-old pupil inspires latest book in young fiction series by award-winning author Kes Gray
Churches across the country unite in prayer for Ukraine
Uniting across the home nations to pray for Ukraine this Sunday (3 April).
Surrey Passion play returns to Trafalgar Square
Wintershall's Passion play returns to London's Trafalgar Square
How many sleeping bags can you fit in a Fiat 500?
Easter treats included in donations heading to Ukraine.
Animal welfare well and truly covered
Former vet, now vicar, Revd Pippa Ford and her congregation welcome a four legged Palm Sunday guest into the church....
1,000 children touched by Easter Experience at Cove
Cove Parish Church reached out to its local schools and offered them a touching Easter experience.
Stations of the Cross in Send
An outside art installation journeying people through the stations of the cross.
Refugees - How you can help?
Hear from experts and first hand experiences in welcoming refugees.
A moving moment to end the term!
Holy Trinity Pewley Down's end of term Easter service was a particular moving and monumental one!
More than just an ‘egg-cellent’ idea!
Farnborough was full of Easter cheer as the team from St Peter's handed out free chocolate eggs
Diocese’s most rural benefice welcomes new priest
One of the more rural areas of the diocese has welcomed its new priest, Revd Kia Pakenham.
D-Day hero’s funeral takes place in Merrow
A D-Day hero and former prisoner of war is remembered and celebrated in Merrow.
Archbishop’s XI take on ‘the Thunderer’
Archbishop's XI will be playing the Times (newspaper) FC this month in Dorking.
Fresh RE ideas to teach the youngest children
Some fantastic creative idea were shared at the first diocesan RE for younger years conference.
Former Beirut hostage hosts Horsley evening
Terry Waite is a former envoy to Lebanon for the Archbishop of Canterbury who was taken hostage in the 80s....
Foodbanks busier than ever Bishop tells Lords
The Bishop of Guildford, the Rt Revd Andrew Watson has made his maiden speech in the House of Lords this ...
Walking to raise awareness for refugees everywhere
Refugee Tales, a walking refugee awareness project will be travelling through Surrey and Hampshire this summer.
Muddy Church, some great outside fun for all!
Muddy Church is an outside all age gathering joining people together come wind, rain or shine.
See, I’m doing a new thing
St Barbara's shot into action to help when 170 asylum seekers were settled in a local hotel.
Farnham Flower Festival marks Jubilee early
There was an obvious Jubilee theme to the Farnham Flower Festival this year.
Sports Ministry going strong
Sports ministry is going strong in the Diocese of Guildford and now is a great time to try it out ...
A global community praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come’
Thy Kingdom Come, Christians around the world praying for friends, family, neighbours and colleagues to know Jesus.
Churches prepare to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee
Churches across the diocese are prepare to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee with their communities.
Archbishop of Canterbury’s FC cruise to victory
The Champions League final wasn't the only big match taking place on Saturday. Read the ABC FC vs. Times Newspaper ...
Jubilee fun for all the family in Wrecclesham
Celebrating the Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee is fun for all ages, especially at Messy Jubilee in Wrecclesham.
A home away from home for the youth of Claygate
The youth of Claygate have a space they can call their own thanks to the Well Project.
Volunteers keep things running at Marathon
The organisers of the Denbies Half Marathon approached their local church knowing they offer the 'best volunteers'!
Supporting LGBTI+ people in the diocese
A team, headed up by the LGBTI+ Chaplain, offers support to LGBTI+ people, as well as their close friends and ...
‘Excellent’ Epsom Church schools
St Martin's Schools recently came out with an excellent award after an inspection from SIAMS!
Ping-Pong Creates Youth Outreach Opportunity
A 'ping-pong parlour' offers an opportunity to connect with local youth in Camberley.
Full capacity Ordinations return for 2022
After two years of disruption due to the pandemic the ordinations of deacons and priests returns to full capacity at ...
A church built to remember the fallen of WW1 celebrates 100 years
The small village church of All Souls' was build 100 years ago as a memorial to the fallen local men ...
How were they called? - Dave Bixby
In the lead up to the ordinations on the 2-3 July we will be introducing some of the candidates as ...
LIFT & HIIT Classes Help With Mental Health
The benefits of group exercise classes can extend beyond physical health and support individuals mental health as well.
How were they called? - Julie Couchman-Boor
In the lead up to the ordinations on the 2-3 July we will be introducing some of the candidates as ...
How were they called? - David Packham
In the lead up to the ordinations on the 2-3 July we will be introducing some of the candidates as ...
How were they called? - Christine Mogford
In the lead up to the ordinations on the 2-3 July we will be introducing some of the candidates as ...
How were they called? - the Sillettis
In the lead up to the ordinations on the 2-3 July we will be introducing some of the candidates as ...
Transforming Church Transforming Lives | Stepping Out In Faith
This story from St Mark's Godalming kicks off a series sharing examples of our churches and schools working out our ...
Walk The Wey 2022 | Save the date - 8 Oct
Walk the Wey with Bishops Andrews and Jo and help raise funds to support local community projects.
One thousand Christians invited to assemble in Bordon
Christians for across the diocese and beyond are being invited to join St Mark’s Shared Church in Bordon for a ...
Transforming Church Transforming Lives | Building a new future one block at a ti
We continue our series sharing examples of our churches and schools working out our vision of Transforming Church Transforming Lives....
Transforming Church Transforming Lives | The Gathering’s gathering pace
This story from St John's Windlesham continues our series on our Diocesan vision - Transforming Church Transforming Lives.
Reflections on HM Queen Elizabeth II | Tim Cross CBE
We continue to pay tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth by sharing reflective stories from across the diocese.
Reflections on HM Queen Elizabeth II | Sir Edward Crew
Sir Edward Crew shares his experience of an interaction with Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Transforming Church Transforming Lives | Connecting with a senior community
This story from Pippa Cramer at Holy Trinity Claygate continues our series on Transforming Church Transforming Lives.
Transforming Church Transforming Lives | Foodbank finds a new home and much more
This story from St Nicolas' Thames Ditton concludes our series on Transforming Church Transforming Lives.
'Past Cases Review 2' Report Published Today
Reports on the 'Past Cases Review 2' have been published locally and nationally today.
Purr-fect services
There have been pets galore as parishes across the diocese have held services celebrating our furry friends.
Bishop of Dorking to take up new role in the Anglican Communion
Bishop Jo will be taking up a new role to build on the recent Lambeth Conference.
Shaping Our Future Together to 2030
'Shaping Our Future Together' sees the Diocesan Board of Education joining with its schools on a new academy strategy.
Wey To Go (New Date Announced)
The Walk the Wey 2022 team announce a new date for the event postponed in October.
Why can the Church be a sanctuary?
A recent address to Diocesan Synod about how church can be a sanctuary and why safeguarding is so very important...
Remembrance marked across the diocese
Churches across the diocese mark Remembrance Sunday.
Safeguarding team speaks on special Sunday
Sunday 20 November marks Safeguarding Sunday, with the Safeguarding team helping raise awareness across the diocese.
400 attend Church Growth Conference
This year's Church Growth Conference saw 400 attend to hear from some great speakers on discipleship and evangelism.
Special day for teachers starting the new year
The teaching staff from one of our schools prepared for the new academic year in a wonderfully creative way.
16 Days to raise awareness and make a difference
25 November marks the start of the annual campaign of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.
Creating refuge for fleeing families
Women's Aid can offer refuge to women and their children needing to flee an abusive relationship.
Busy confirmation day for Bishop Jo
Bishop Jo presided two amazing confirmation services in one day, seeing 30 people confirmed!
Church sponsors Christmas Window Competition
Haslemere Parish sponsorship of town's Christmas Window competition is 'the church's Christmas present to the town!'
Nepali Christmas comes to Aldershot
Celebrating Christmas with the local Nepalese community in Aldershot.
Warm hubs open as polar blast sweeps in
Listen to Revd Fiona Ellingham on BBC Radio Surrey talk about Warm Hubs and how churches can get involved.
New children’s worship song released by local parish
St John's Stoke releases new children's song and launches new record label.
MBE for Hymns We Love creator
Holy Trinity Claygate church member and creator of Hymns We Love receives her MBE at Buckingham Palace.
Digital Advent Calendar
Diocesan communications workshop helped spring idea for curate's digital advent calendar for church community.
Diocese of Europe hosts Advent Prayer Service for Peace in Ukraine
Supporting the Diocese of Europe Advent service for Peace in Ukraine on 21st December at 5.30pm.
Stoneleigh’s Open Day for Ukraine Refugees
An example of how our parishes are supporting Ukrainian refugees
Gifts for survivors of Domestic Abuse
Employees donated gifts for those who might not otherwise get anything this Christmas
Live nativity scene one of the winners of Church sponsored Christmas window competition
A live nativity scene featuring a real baby and goats was one of the winners of the Haslemere Christmas window ...
Christmas 2022 Cover at the Diocese
The team at the Diocesan offices are taking a break over the Christmas period. Here are the details on how ...
Book/Film Club helps nurture faith & confidence in young people
How a book/film club is inspiring young people in their faith, their confidence and their discipleship
Molesey Love Mondays
Weekly drop-in event gives local teenagers a 'reason to look forward to Mondays!'
It’s about knowing what you need to delve into
Meet our new Diocesan Secretary Geraldine Newbold as she discusses her first seven days on the job
Hosepipe for the Holy Spirit
As we approach Bishop Jo's leaving service tomorrow, Bishop Jo looks back on the last six and half years.
London to rural Surrey in one leap
Welcome Revd George Watkinson to Pirbright and Wyke
National excellence award for Surrey school
St Mary's CofE Primary School, Chiddingfold has been awarded the Inclusive School Award.
Draft prayers of thanksgiving, dedication and for God?s blessing for same-sex couples published
Prayers asking for God’s blessing on same-sex couples as they give thanks for their civil marriage or civil partnership
Partnering For Growth
A Surrey vicar has been led by God to nearly double his workload.
Why does caring for God's world matter?
Our education team joined with Guildford Cathedral to welcome Key Stage 1 pupils for a fun-filled, creative Eco-Day.
The Church of England’s Doctrine of Marriage
Bishop Andrew has contributed to the paper on the Doctrine of Marriage, alongside a number of other bishops.
A celebration evening for Local Ministry Programme
Graduates from the Local Ministry Programme celebrated completing their course and receiving their awards.
Knife Angel is coming to make a point in Guildford
A 27ft statue made from 100,000 knives will be the centrepiece of a month-long programme raising awareness of the impact ...
Caring, friendly school is praised in Ofsted report
Ofsted describe Farncombe Church of England Infants school in latest report as being a "caring, friendly school."
BGCF Lent Appeal to support local and international communities
The Bishop of Guildford's Community Fund's Lent Appeal launches this week looking to support communities locally and overseas.
Lent 2023
There are plenty of great resources to guide you and others through this Lent season.
What can you still do for Ukraine one year on?
Marking the first anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine – what can you still do?
Pancakes launch Love Hersham
Love Hersham launched at St Peter's on Sunday with some yummy pancakes being tossed.
Interested in leadership training for your parish?
A new direction for leadership training coming soon to the Diocese of Guildford. Register your interest now.
Heart-rending Lent
Bishop Andrew suggested that through our Lenten efforts, “Some genuinely heart-rending situations can be met with some genuinely rent hearts.”...
Come to church - for a haircut
St Martin's in Camberley partners with a professional barber to offer free haircuts to the local community.
Media launch for Hymns We Love
Hymns We Love is an accessible evangelistic series developed by Pippa and Steve Cramer at Holy Trinity Claygate and is ...
Prestigious award for church community cafe
Church's community cafe is recognised for its support to local individuals and families.
School services break records
In the run up to Easter, St Michael’s and the Ascension in Aldershot broke records for the numbers attending end of term services.
Puttenham CofE Infant School gets glowing Ofsted report
The 90 student Puttenham CofE Infant school has been rated as outstanding in three areas in its latest Ofsted report.
A celebration evening for Local Ministry Programme
At the end of their courses, Guildford’s successful Theology, Ministry and Mission degree graduates received their awards from Bishop Andrew recently.
Street Angels help transform Town Centre
Guildford used to have a dire reputation for its night-time economy. National media asked the question, ‘how can a comfortable rural home counties town have earned such a name for anti-social and violent behaviour?’
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